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Everything posted by Browning

  1. what cars will they fit. Bolt patterns=confusion for me lol
  2. Yes there were a couple nude pics, wanna see? *******NWS***NWS*******NWS*******NWS***** http://the.b7p.info/ph/
  3. Hows the cobalts run, and drive?
  4. so my sister can get in trouble for calling them?
  5. My sister was calling them earlier. Vin Diesels phone voice mail says " Im Vin Diesel, I am a very good actor, and a douchebag" Most are already invalid numbers due to them changing them. Fred Dursts' message box was full. She wa having a blast calling them all lol
  6. graemlins/thatfunny.gifgraemlins/popcorn.gif
  7. He was the Author of Fear and Loathing. http://www.denverpost.com/Stories/0,1413,36~53~2723492,00.html
  8. I downloaded that a couple weeks ago, does a real good job graemlins/thumb.gif
  9. never heard that one before, sounds interesting
  10. graemlins/jerkit.gifgraemlins/thumbsdown.gif
  11. And by the way, my surgery was like $10,000. So dont let it get too bad. And there are plenty of details I am leaving out on this.
  12. Not that any of you care or anything. But I keep the leash for my 2 dogs hanging up beside the door. Last night I taught my 1 year old lab, to go and get the leash down and bring it to me when she wants out. Only took about 25 minutes and 10 biscuits lol. Ok now, you can return to the usual, just wanted to share graemlins/thumb.gif
  13. Browning


    Time for me to open Photoshop......
  14. I used to have the same problems with my right ear. Then in junior high it got worse, 8th grade I lost all hearing in m right ear. It used to drain itself everyday, I would have to keep cotton in my ear a bunch. Turns ou I had a busted ear drum, and a sis growing behind it. Had to have my ear drum reconstructed, a piece of my skull bhind my ear is gone now. 3 1/2 hour surgery, there was a 50/50 chance I would hear again. 2 years after the surgery, my hearing kicked in. Do not put this off! Get it looked at, you dont even want to hear the rest of my story, lol Anyhow, there is a very good ear doctor in Zanesville named Jack Booth, thats who I would reccomend.
  15. I got it pointed to my forum now, but I have to wait now.....
  16. yea it has 2. I didnt want to link the address directly to my forum. Is it possible to direct it to say one of those free webpages, then on there I could just have a forum link button that takes me to the forum. Make sens at all?
  17. I just ordered a domain, but dont know how to point it to my website?
  18. Well in that case "Note to people in the Groveport Area, get in the fucking basement!"
  19. Yes, very. I got hooked on it when I moved to West Virginia. Dont knock it till ya trie it. Theres some money in it as well, if you go to the comps and such, like I plan to do next season graemlins/grin2.gif
  20. Raccon hunting, with dogs lol
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