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Everything posted by Browning

  1. I hate that NTB doesn't have prices or anything on their site for that stuff
  2. any of you own a shop? Price to check it out and how much to fix if so? She's on the hilltop if that matters
  3. if it were a tstat, would the one hose still be cold?
  4. she has the gause but says it stays low on cold. When the heat worked those few days she said it was up at normal. Any idea what a shop would charge to do it?
  5. had to explain to her about the hoses but I'm pretty sure she found them. Says one is warm and the other is cold. Core is clogged? Will flushing cause any damage to it? Any other way to check it it's clogged?
  6. she's going out to check now since she just got back in it so they should be warm. It's in Columbus and I can't get up there right away to check it out
  7. Blows so cold you'd think the windows were down. Been like this all winter but has mysteriously started to work a couple of times then stopped. Clogged heater core? T-stat? Should mention it supposedly has a tstat, head gasket, new radiator, etc put in over the summer
  8. http://i56.tinypic.com/t5hvzn.jpg like a bauce
  9. My sister owns a 99 kia sportage. Her b/f seems to think the transmission is on it's way out and says it isn't shifting right at highway speed. My sisters daily commute doesn't require her to go over 35 and said she doesn't have any problems with it. I'm an hour away and don't have time to give her an opinion on it. Are there any shops that still give free estimates and would maybe take this thing for a spin and check it out? It's got push button OD and I'm thinking he's just used to overdrive and it's either off or messed up.
  10. I've come to realize this house is wired weird. It has cat5 at the NID but regular 4 wire line at the jacks. Think I'm gonna have to have AT&T come out lol
  11. TS is black? Not to sound like a racist asshole but it kinda fits the typically I'm black and police are just out to get me mentality. Which would explain the smartass attitude he gave the officer right away.
  12. . Been pulled over about a dozen times and have only had one ticket since 99.
  13. not really but if you are researching somewhat popular last names you can usually gather up quite a bit of info from using a combination of sites out there. Helps a lot to know the names of your great grandparents, including your grandmothers maiden name before digging in.
  14. Why not just shutup, comply and go about your day? Either way you didn't have a seat belt on and the plate wasn't in the right spot. He was doing his job and you were giving him a hard time. Sounds like you just wanting to be a smartass. That's the way I took it from reading your post.
  15. ignore those wires in the pic. I'm running a new separate set of wires (black/yellow and red/green) from the NID to the room where I need the jack. The lines that are hooked up need to be left as is for the dialup to work along with the dsl I'm assuming which is why I need the new jack on a separate line. I plugged a phone line into the test jack on 5 and got nothing.
  16. the terminals on 5 right? Also, if I unplug the test jack on line two and hook up a phone should I have a dial tone or no?
  17. ok so I think I may have it figured out now. Since this jack will not be connected to any of the existing jacks in the house I think I may be able to just wire it as follows and be fine? http://i54.tinypic.com/6zu361.jpg
  18. . So much easier. Then again I don't live inside city limits so
  19. I have been to Wendy's once since the new fries and don't plan on going back. I didn't like them. Wish you could still get the old ones
  20. I need to install a jack in a room that doesn't have one at the moment and it needs to be for a second line for dsl. Been looking on the net and thought I had it under control until I opened the network box outside of the house. Now I'm just confused. The existing jacks in the house have the standard 4 wire, red, green, black and yellow with black and yellow not being hooked up. However, at the box outside I don't see any of those colors at all. Just the green. I would rather do this myself than pay AT&T to do it. Would save me $100 or so. What's funny is they told me this house was ready for the second line which it clearly isn't since only two wires are hooked up, right? It has to be a second line since the first line is used for phone and dialup(we live in the sticks:o) and will be keeping it for the time being. I went and got a flush mount jack and 100ft of the 4 wire phone line. Just need to know how the box needs to be wired for the new line and jack. http://i53.tinypic.com/28rgwu1.jpg
  21. my 2wd s10 is a beast in the snow. I throw one of the big wooden pallets in the back and don't have any trouble
  22. had it tested and it wsdead. Wasn't any epoxy underneath it at all. Put a new one on it and all is well:)
  23. advance just said they can test it forme and I think I'll let them do it. Would be nice if that is it and I don't have to go through a bunchof other crap to figure it out. Any idea if they can test a coil also?
  24. It's one of the s10 jimmys, not the full size. 2.8 liter. Just died all together cruising down 70. No missing or anything first, just straight died and won't start. Got there and checked the spark at the #1 plug and no spark. Checkedforsparkat both sides of the coil wire and nothing. NAPA says it ismost likely the ignition module and toldme I'd be best to buy the whole distributorand drop it in. I'd rather not do this. Being an 85 and carbed there really isn't much else it could be except the ignition module is there?
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