I am pretty sure the injection on 95+ is different. But when Idone a search on carpart.com I noticed it listed a few from those years. But like I said as far as I know I'm going to need 92-94 specifically.
Does any one know this by chance? I know it has to be at least 92, something about balancing. Will a 4.3 vortec from a 95+ work or will it have to be from 92-94 only?
It's got the weird injection like below
Wonder if I can get that out here in the sticks? AT&T is the only actual provider out here and I can only get their basic dsl. The shit they don't even advertise because it's so slow lol
Sorry if I seemed like an asshole, wasn't my intentions. Him hiring some one do something he can do with a little time is going to be pretty pricey most likely
There's always some one that has had a bad experience, but it just seems the majority of the time it's either dreamhost or 1and1. hostgator is priced nice and their support is fantastic.
Database problems. Shit was always fucking up. this was a few years ago but judging by the talks of people on some of the web related forums I visit, they are still horrible. don't get your panties in a bunch.
I'm glad you haven't, but most people have.
Search around a bit and find a host that feels right for you. I've had a bunch of different shared hosting plans and so far the best has been hostgator.