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Everything posted by clayton006

  1. I tried to register there, but they won't send me an activation e-mail... I'd like to sign up for the next lan since I just built my new system. Anyway, Thanks again for the warm welcome everyone :-)
  2. Well they argue that it can't be the ignition module because the car is getting spark.... hmm.... They aren't charging me anymore until they actually know what the problem is. I would be more than willing to take it somewhere else, but I don't want to throw away 1400 dollars.
  3. New Update They have switched out the PCM, a new opti, and the cable that goes from the opti to the computer..... no luck.... It will maybe run for about 2 - 3 minutes and give the low res pulse failure and die.... Any other suggestions?
  4. No mods yet, just a lot of miles. I'm kinda waiting until I graduate and have some money saved before I bore and stroke to a 396... Not sure of all of my plans yet, but I just got a new computer so I'm looking to hook up with some LAN people or World of Warcraft as well. I'm not a hardcore gaming person, but I know my computers in and out and have fun now and again.
  5. When i did the work last time that's what I used. If it wasn't for the oil leak it would have kept going.
  6. Yeah I'd like to have a DELTEC (spelling?) installed on it, but I just need it running for right now.
  7. That was my feeling. And those napa wires they put on are coming off and my MSD's are going on when I get it back.
  8. Hello, My name is Clayton and I signed up a while back but I haven't had a chance to post much in this board due to some life stuff going on. A few people know me around here (Mostly Josh and his friends), but I'm interested in getting to know a few more of you as the time goes on. I'm having some trouble with my formula, and my 2000TA just recently got totaled by someone who doesn't know how to drive in the snow (wasn't me just FYI), but I'm ready to get back into the car scene. So that's a little about me. Looking forward to meeting all of you, Clayton
  9. New update, The repair shop called me and said he's been through 3 opti's and said that each one burns up and gives him the low resolution pulse failure. He's using the Napa remaned opti's and he's going to try one from the dealer. When you get that low res pulse failure that's indicative of opti failure right? That's at least what I thought. Could there be anything else causing this failure? He's also getting a new cable from the dealership from the PCM to the opti. I gave him a new one from a GM dealership, but he's also going to try that. Any ideas?
  10. Yeah unless you don't have the cash I would replace them all at once. I would usually do this along with your plug wires and spark plugs as well. You don't really have to do that, but that's what I usually recommend.
  11. Sorry for reviving a dead thread. Just wanted to give an update. I ended up selling the headers for cash, but now I'm going to look to install another set soon. Could anyone around the area help with that for a little cash? I'd be game to meet some new people out of this!
  12. Hello all. It's been a while. Life has caught up to me and I haven't been able to post for a while. Well, I had to have another shop install my opti because my newer TA got totaled and I didn't have anything else to drive. Well the shop installed the opti and new plug wires, and as it turns out they said when the car warmed up it started to backfire. Well the car never did that before the install! So they find out that the #2 and #4 injector wires were backwards (now I didn't do that, I couldn't drive the car) So now it's not backfiring at all, but the idle is rough, but that car revvs up smoothly. Could they have fouled those two plugs? does my PCM need to re-learn the fuel curves? I don't have the car back because they want to clean it out, but I think that more work needs to be done here. I've done the opti before myself (many times trust me) but they told me that my timing cover was cracked and I had a few bad seals. They said that oil took out my opti (which looking under the car I can believe). If I do get the car back soon and I can at least drive it, could someone else me troubleshoot? I have a garage, but it's not very big to work on a car in..
  13. Any know of any shops at all that would put these in for me. I really need to get these in as soon as possible, Thanks
  14. If anyone knows a shop that would do it for me that would work as well. I just need to try and get this done as soon as I can. Thanks
  15. Hello, I have a set of Pace setter long tube headers for my 95 Trans Am. They are in my parents house and I need to get them out this weekend. I need someone to help me to install these. I have all of the parts. I just don't have a garrage or a tools to do this install. I can pay well for help with this project. Please e-mail me or PM me. clayton_cell@hotmail.com Thanks, Clayton
  16. Cool, Only reason I said anything about the car is that a board I used to belong to invited me to a outing and my top is kinda not lookin too well and after being there for 5 minutes I left, too uncomfortible with people making fun of my top??? (It's not like it's a huge deal... but people made it that way???) I might just have to stop by then.
  17. I wish I didn't sell my computer yesterday!!!!
  18. I'm gonna be bored all day long, I'd like to go, but I just joined and my car is totally fugly! You guys have fun
  19. Does anyone know where I might be able to find a manual to install my convertible top. Or is there anyone who is out there who could help me put it on. My day is free today so I was hoping to get it on today... but I might not.... Any help would be appreciated
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