i think its funny how everyone thinks they know what constitutes as excessive force. Do people understand thats what the taser is for? To PREVENT excessive force, such as shooting you with not electricty, but a hunk of metal? All he had to do was stand up and he'd been fine. Instead, he thought he'd be a drama queen and "prove a point", only to get a bunch of yuppie college kids all rowled up. For those who say, "Why tase him? Why not just carry him?" Im going to assume that in the very begining when hes saying, "Dont touch me, let go of me" etc., hes resisting thier attempt to calmy and civily escort him out. At some point, im sure he swatted at one of the officers, making it attemped assult on a police officer, meaning you just signed all your "be gentle with me" rights away.