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Everything posted by SlowmotionMotorsports

  1. Sign-ups will be that day. Wideband O2 will be a sniffer style for and extra $10. If you are planning on attending please post what you will bring so we don't end up with 100 bags of chips and no pop or vise-versa. Thanks guys!! Joshua SlowMotion Motorsports
  2. No doubt! Joshua SlowMotion Motorsports
  3. What year exactly and is it a gl model or sho model, automatic or manual? Joshua SlowMotion Motorsports
  4. Sorry fixed! Joshua SlowMotion motorsports
  5. Saturday Sept 23 2006. Start time is 11am until 11pm (guessing on end time). SlowMotion Motorsports 2908 East 14th Ave. Columbus, OHIO 43219 We will have trophies for: Highest FWD Inducted (turbo, supercharger nos) Highest FWD Allmotor Highest AWD Highest RWD http://www.slowmotionmotorsports.com/uploads/photos/612.jpg 2wd 3 pulls reg price $65 ($45 for dyno day) awd 3 pulls reg price $90 ($70 for dyno day) We will be having a cook-out. Guests MUST bring a food item to share!! side dish chips drinks dessert We will have hotdogs, burgers, buns. Last year we had over 40 cars dynoed!! See you all there!! Joshua SlowMotion Motorsports
  6. If you have 2, I would be down for $80 for the monday night game vs greenbay! Had to sell my psl last year when I lost my killer paying job at Volvo. Joshua SlowMotion Motorsports
  7. SlowMotion Motorsports would like to thank the Staff of Honda/Acura Shootout for putting on another great event this year!! Also big thanks to all the other sponsors for the baller giveaways and prizes! We had a great time and can’t wait until next year! Final Team Results: Corey: 1st place in Turbo Street. Josh: 2nd place in Turbo Street. Hamills: 2nd in Power Street. Pham: 4th in Comp 4. Some Pics taken by a good friend (shockerjoe): http:// http://www.slomomotorsports.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=1453 Again Bryan and the rest of the staff, THANK YOU, we are ready to sponsor and assist in anyway we can next year! SlowMotion Motorsports Staff and Race Team.
  8. We are running a special on CP Pistons!! Different Pistons Available to: Lower or Raise you Compression, Increased Bore Size or Stock Bore Size. We can get you ANY CP Piston they offer Import, Domestic, Harley, ATV/Motorcycle OR Custom! Here is some CP Piston info: http://www.slowmotionmotorsports.com/uploads/photos/338.jpg Yep we got some! http://www.slowmotionmotorsports.com/uploads/photos/339.jpg Sets Include: Pistons, Wrist Pins, Rings, and Locks. http://www.slowmotionmotorsports.com/uploads/photos/342.jpg we can even get the X-Forged Pistons (one one left regular CP Piston, One on right X-Forged). http://www.slowmotionmotorsports.com/uploads/photos/341.jpg If you want we can have the Pistons Calico Coated! :shock: http://www.slowmotionmotorsports.com/uploads/photos/333.jpg Price is way to Low to Show! PM me for Pricing. Thanks, Joshua SlowMotion Motorsports
  9. We are pleased to announce we are now authorized distributors of Manley Rods!! http://www.slowmotionmotorsports.com/uploads/photos/581.jpg These are the same rods we use in almost all of our BIG WHP, High Reving turbo builds. We are super competitive in pricing!! Hit us up and we will take care of your connecting rod needs! Please call the shop / Stop-by / PM me!! Thanks for looking!! Joshua SlowMotion ***All prices are plus TAX and for instock item only limited quantities apply (Parts ordered are always PLUS shipping)***
  10. Fowler Engines 614-258-2924 Phillips Racing Engines 614-875-0040 Are two more I know of.... Joshua SlowMotion Motorsports
  11. http://www.slowmotionmotorsports.com/uploads/photos/579.jpg http://www.slowmotionmotorsports.com/uploads/photos/580.jpg Joshua SlowMotion Motorsports
  12. Just wondering cause the "yellow sub" one as in here last week for tuning. Joshua SlowMotion Motorsports
  13. We just finished a full motor build and white rabbit turbo install on Mark's old EVO (blueish/purple) and was just delivered back to it's new owner a ER Doc in Cinci!! Joshua SlowMotion Motorsports
  14. Is this the yellow one with "yellow sub" (SP??, Can't remember exactly how he has it spelled) license plate? Joshua SlowMotion Motorsports
  15. Jackets are not that expensive......... http://store.summitracing.com/partdetail.asp?autofilter=1&part=BOB%2D1004%2D1%2DLG&N=700+400095+4294920282+115&autoview=sku Joshua SlowMotion Motorsports
  16. If they can't help you could try: Call Peek Towing 268-4338. Tell them SlowMotion Referred you. They usualy charge $40. Joshua SlowMotion motorsports
  17. We will be there!! PS We have fliers here at the shop for this event! Joshua SlowMotion Motorsports
  18. Just an FYI, We do have a Mustang and Domestic Tuner Available. Joshua SlowMotion Motorsports
  19. I do a lot of city and freeway driving. Teg 18-24avg on 94oct (depends on how hard I drive) SHO 20avg on 87oct Joshua
  20. You have a PM! Joshua SlowMotion motorsports
  21. You have a PM!! Joshua SlowMotion Motorsports
  22. Joe, Thank you for understanding. I know we are looking to hire a full-time mechanic, but please send me your resume and I will pass it along to Corey. I agree with the dealership quality personnel. I was in sales for a year and then training and internet sales manager for 3 years at Byers Volvo. That's part of the reason Corey asked me to come out of retirement to take this position. Again I apologies for any miss communication that my have incurred. Thank you, Joshua SlowMotion Motorsports
  23. First off, I apologies for any miss communication that my have incurred. Yes, we are looking to hire a full time mechanic. Capable of engine swaps, turbo installs, installation of various performance parts, electrical wiring, troubleshooting, etc. At this point I assume we have no chance, but if he would like to send us a resume, we would like to review it. Again sorry for the miss communication, things get very crazy around here and unfortunately created this incident. Joshua SlowMotion Motorsports
  24. Hasport mostly makes parts for doing motor swaps in hondas IE B18C (Integra GSR) into honda shell; K20A into a 1994 Civic Hatchback (like the one Lee Howie is driving). http://www.hasport.com/index.htm Joshua SlowMotion Motorsports
  25. No not as of yet! Send me your resume!! Joshua SlowMotion Motorsports
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