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Everything posted by NTHER91

  1. ok now im all for talking smack but lets not get crazy (either of you ) i kow what rutans car is and capable of and i own a busa so unless your just gonna do some high speed runs lets get back down to reality and see what your bike has
  2. not fair we cant compare anythign youve brought out to being mild lol but you are right i hope to be there
  3. years of you bragging (like there is no other dsm that has ever done it)
  4. true statement and i love my windsor but just depends on what you want to do like rob said sit down and make a budget nothign is as frusterating as changing things mid way just STICK TO YOUR PLAN and its cheaper all around they say a 351 is good to 700hp and if you want or need more than that on a street car then youll never be happy anyway so you might as well go for a dart block youll be very happy with a 351 if you want to see whats involved with it let me know and you can come look at mine
  5. yuppies crack me up "its uncomfortable to drive over in my new car" sayign that ive actually called on some things as well odot is the place to call
  6. yes because i think that way it will be our undoing, i highly doubt it cuz there will be people like you and 10x worse to worry your little heads about something that they themselves cannot and will not every be able to change just keep doing your part of the worring and the rest of us will be fine. i agree with most of what you say except the fact that you somehow think that you have more right to be here than they do (granted they are going about it the wrong way) but this reminds me of the 50's and 60's era with the blacks, afro americans, what ever you want to call them both minorities, african american and mexican, want to be able to work and live in peace. Have you ever been outsode of ohio except for kentucky or alabama like NYC or L.A. they all have a china town and a little havana as columbus grows what makes us so special im a fence rider on the subject i can see what your saying sometimes i really would liek to ship them back to where they came from but on the otherhand i like that they do the jobs that even i dont want to do anymore, its not like they still dont need done, and the fact that the culture and food that they bring. Its kinda like if you cant stand the heat stay out of the kitchem well if you dont like mexicans dont go to the west side lol
  7. your going to throw employers in jail for giving a job away ??? your dumb
  8. hispanics are the largest minority in the u.s. now, why cuz they are like roaches they hide and populate where they land. Now i know quite a few and some are not bad they are good hardworking people but still...illegal. they are very proud too with the mexican flag posted everywhere they can see it on there 1997 lowered f150 flareside or there 1990 minivan (aka mexican limo) if they are so proud of there country WHY COME HERE, cuz mexico sucks people that complain about them dont remember that they are doing the jobs that we AMERICANS wont do no matter what color you are we are too uppity and too proud to bus tables or mow grass ( ive done both and dug ditchs along side of them) now that ive kinda defended them let me say this i hate the fact that not a single one of them can speek english until they want something. and ive done this many times god forbid you fuck up there pay, im convinced that every mexican is a certified MIT mathmatician they can look at there paycheck and with in seconds they know its wrong, try telling them you took out taxes, then they look at you like why I dont pay taxes (yes they say that) now its not fair that they tink like that but its not putting a strain on my wallet or life so who cares. Like this it happened out in california who the fuck cares its some no name running for some office that wont get elected, and why did this turn into a race war anyway i thought all you guys new its not racism f its not a white guy fuckign over a black guy ehhehe move to kitchen and enjoy
  9. so you got time then huh greag lol
  10. deff get a motor out of a 93? and up lightning and umless you want it to nickle and dime you to death dont do a windsor (like me) it is worth it but man its not cheap and they are very streetable
  11. i see a battle of the 400 inch small blocks in the future next yr we will have to have a shoot out at the track
  12. i personally haev nto had any done by marty or his son but ive seen there work and they are very good but see what i mean everyone has had or seen some that are great i was trying to get across in my post that u need to shop around and a good artist and a real (not in it for the money) tattoo artist will not charge you for sketch SHOP around for yourself dotn take ANYONES opinion its your body you better like where your going
  13. NTHER91

    Do It Pt.2

    maybe you should have tried harder then you wouldnt need luck
  14. Marcellus Hudson, who is 19 years old, is being charged with the murder. DUHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
  15. NTHER91

    Who's on OT?

    off topic is for losers back to rainbow bright fan club i go
  16. TAttos by marty on west broad near down town everyone knows someone that does tatts and they are "ALWAYS" good "man i got htis guy he did mine and look at it its great" well it is to them but not very this guy and his son are nationally known and renoun for there ink and artwork but they are also expensive but you pay for the best
  17. MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH http://www.mjanimations.com/images/Pic%20thriller%209.jpg
  18. your car dosnt even have a trans in it of course he won( even if it did you would have lost your cars a turd)
  19. you all dotn know about thriller dance lol and ill be there i havent drank in a while so it was kinda an off night for me i can usually put down a case but it was a pretty good time
  20. pm me with price rob and when you feel like doing it this weekend is kinda shot unless its possibly sunday
  21. NTHER91


    he thought he could be mustangs LMAO
  22. jesus is that all you do is look on the news sites man your boring
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