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Everything posted by NTHER91

  1. with that glide youll have to worry about weight so the lighter the better
  2. NTHER91


    will that aod fit a 93 cougar xr7 with a 3.8??
  3. yea it is look at the mirror youd think someone would at least do a good job of it
  4. i have a ihi but needs rebuilt you can have it it came off a mazda mx6 or probe
  5. there is a lenght issue with the earlier fox body swap the sn95 housing is longer end to end
  6. there is a lenght issue with the earlier fox body swap the sn95 housing is longer end to end
  7. u need a pota power
  8. maybe you should race a "RACE" car not a family car ,"not a dig" just maybe its not ment to be raced. Keep it in the carpool lane and buy a diff buick, if thats your brand of choice but that is impressive dyno sheet for what it is
  9. batteries unlimited on brice rd they have every batter ever
  10. i had to lower our 05 750 to make it more comfy but its a nice bike if you can stand the tank being huge as hoblick stated
  11. yes my own conduct. graemlins/jerkit.gif I dont have the power to ban anyone i was tying to quote, but didnt do it right. At least chris got it. Also not riding anyones jock just think you should be fair and stick to YOUR own advise and rules about making it personel but thats my opinion but maybe i dont fit in in the CR dick-tator-ship i havent managed to piss anyone off thats important have i ???
  12. NTHER91

    FCPD Piggys

    still cant hold your mai-ties (sp)?
  13. MB Quart = sound quality very sensitive at low power good foor low budgets and low space just make sure you get a real clean amp like 1.0 something THD = total harmonic distortion
  14. If you EVER bring personal items up like this again on here, I'm banning your stupid ass. Let this serve as your warning. I don't like you, "quote" sounds personel to me. Pot, kettle etc.
  15. if all else fails ive seen a wet or dirty mas air do this too.
  16. hair dryer and lighter fluid worked for me
  17. that bike does 103 in first gear and you want to turbo it never satisfied ehhe
  18. i have the complete drivetrain for sale engine to rear end let me know if you want it, was hopeing to get 300 make offer runs great trans pan leaks everything else ok
  19. NTHER91


    <-- looks at sam with stary eyes " I wanna be like him" VROOM VROOM lol e-famous thats awsome
  20. let me know hoblick yesturday was informative. Wont be doing a stand up,or christ anytime soon but getting those sit down wheelies down good. i will be doing more burnouts though i need to get rid of those stock dunlops and get me some avon or the new michelin's
  21. Rick, you can only get that jacket if you take a pic and pose like that graemlins/supergay2.gif (forgot to log out... it's Jenn btw)
  22. NTHER91

    small vid

    I think I'm a star now. p.s. Where is the Vid of the wheelie?? hmmmm (jenn wants to know) graemlins/grin2.gif
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