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Everything posted by NTHER91

  1. see there you go you win 1100 hp to the garage floor. I can't compete with that
  2. buckeye - yes i bougth the eagle kit not 205 or 225 because im building a street car yes it would be more power with the bigger heads but im such a huge fan of port velocity and the tourqe that comes with it. also im use a mild cam to some people anthony- yes your is smaller and prolly will be faster i all aspects but i will race it and drive it not jsut talk about it hope to see you out next yr
  3. no its cool there only 17 cc dish and with afr 185's with 58 cc i think its 10.5 its been 0 decked and all that jazz
  4. 10.5 to 1 and yes it is a ford v8 cough408cough
  5. didnt osu just close off that end and make it a bowl??? kinda im not going to argue sound waves with you what does it really matter here, YOU WIN
  6. save for a few posts this thread turned into a giant vaginathon
  7. the only thing good about a yamaha is Rossi, and no one on here can ride like him
  8. It has been quoted that teams dont like to play in the big house due to the level of noise, it is one of the loudest if not the loudest in the game, its a proven fact . That being said, I am a Michigan fan die hard even but what i watched of the game today was one of the best ive seen as stated before, OSU just wanted it more so they took it. You buckey fans have braging right for one more year then well see .
  9. after reading your answers you seem what i would want in office, need any private security lol above all just please for cr's sake STAY HONEST lol
  10. cross fire is crap thats why it was only used for 2 yrs swap it out for a carb set up other than that i know nothing about it
  11. You should start out in like school borad something entry level Whats your stance on education? id like to see more care on our homefront not iraq your thoughts? fed deficit or city, county since they all have one. what about politicians being a part time job and not gettign rich off of it is that somehting you agree with or not (now granted most are lawyers but come on 1/4 mil to vote for a state?)
  12. well as soon as i get the lowers and uppers im goingot be pullng the whole thing then i will get back with you and see what im looking for should be this week as soon as ups gets here
  13. : offtopic : :bs: I was not attacking derek at all, i'm sure he dosnt need you to stand up for him, he has never done me wrong i've never met him. I was sharing with a pal my opinion. Which you also did about me (which was also a meaningless post) To wrap up Derek if i have offended you at all it was not my intention, Im sure you have taken care of all you the cars that you have worked on. All the dealers that i know of pay more than 23/hr not that thats chump change either, but it does speak well of you to have so much employer loyalty.
  14. wow not any sign of punctuation read if you want or just disregaurd im to lazy to fix
  15. wrong we do a couple timign belts a week, headgaskets and anything else, but its firestone, THE largest auto comany int he US with great insurance... if we blow up a motor then we have insurance to cover that. quote ive had people from firestone do work on cars and its always been half assed i have no idea about your skill level or do i care jsut saying that if you were such a good mech then y arnt you working for a dealer they pay better i know this again firestone is for tires not engine swaps that my opinion though and jesse i agree whole heartedly i migh tnow a guy with that tool if you end up not being able to get it let me know
  16. im guessing that the one i have isnt a trak loc then i know its a 7.5
  17. NTHER91


    Next time I'll make sure i take into account your feelings and your ever watchfull eye over my grammer and spelling. I'm blessed to have you there to keep me in line i dont know what i would do with out you. You are here by added to my mailing list. Bet you can't wait for christmas now. (oh the glory it iwll be to recive a card from me)
  18. lol u two sound like a grove city couple
  19. im sure hes good at what he does but firestone dosnt get that envolved or exotic dont trust them to do much but tires and changing light bulbs thats everyone at firestone not just him or anyone else
  20. NTHER91


    i had tha twhen we went to the wpo meet and you are right it is awsome
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