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Everything posted by NTHER91

  1. it's shocking how many nerds own guns like it makes them cool
  2. why would you say that is it cuz of the color of there skin ???? or music ?? baggy cloths?? are you making a racist profile?
  3. if this makes you hate mustangs then anyone remember the rap about columbus ohio
  4. never would hav ethought about doing this, not like it wasnt just done 3 times already or anything
  5. HAHAHAHA I almost forgot about FUPA
  6. 20 bucks someone from on here responds to one of them
  7. where are all the f-bodys raps ???
  8. now you know why Putty likes it
  9. starter and new slicks and skinnies take spray off never got to use it (besides im almost as fast as most of you on it) elec water pump oh and 10's hopefully
  10. was she the one that was playing in the snow on the vids with anthony??? maybe it wouldnt have problems if you didnt beat the shit out of it and check fluid
  11. stock to stock its no contest give each owner 5k to put into the car and ill bet it becomes more even ( or at least 1/2 and 1/2
  12. not everyone wants to grow up to be a cable guy
  13. is anyone in this thread a credit analyst or are we all just spouting off Just wondering cuz like three people actually answered the posts question not all this raise your score crap
  14. wait you guys made a bet for him to change his CR sig......It's that important to you ?
  15. ok although good for your wallet not good for credit it show you being unstable they know what your doing and they will stop offering or approving you for 0% i know i used to see alot of those type people declined ( just cuz it says your pre-approved dosnt mean you get it) keep the longest credit card you have had open pay at least the min payment you do not allocate where your payment does they do if you make more than the min payment every month then the rest is put to the prin. (unless you have a BT ..bal xfer then its applied to that) if you make daliy payment its better cuz your APR is calc. on adb. Now if you got all the way through that and didn't cring at the lack of punctuation, well then here are the cliff's. 1. pay everyday if you can or every week is ok 2. do not jump from 0% card to 0% card find one with a good rate and stay with it, I mean is it so evil of the CC company to make any money off you, they did loan you the money first. but if your gonna jump at least keep the card open a bit after, but dont complain when your credit report shows 40 open accts in the last 5 yrs and you cant get a home loan or car loan( yes ive seen it happen alot) 3. CC's are evil and no one should open any
  16. i dont doubt the above at all
  17. M Didnt like morten's compared to Mitchels steak house just depends on what they like to eat
  18. im interested in this as well the tires int he picture look like they are bald from burnouts can you explain just asking cuz you say never abused
  19. do you really think that big brother dosnt already know about that conversation. Certin hot words get red flagged
  20. I love Private stock! and yes you are a geek but you do own a cool mustang
  21. Ben, GET OFF THE INTERNET!!!!! Stop making dumbass threads. Dr. Bravo, Thank you for at least being funny in this thread.
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