ok although good for your wallet not good for credit it show you being unstable they know what your doing and they will stop offering or approving you for 0% i know i used to see alot of those type people declined ( just cuz it says your pre-approved dosnt mean you get it)
keep the longest credit card you have had open
pay at least the min payment you do not allocate where your payment does they do
if you make more than the min payment every month then the rest is put to the prin. (unless you have a BT ..bal xfer then its applied to that)
if you make daliy payment its better cuz your APR is calc. on adb.
Now if you got all the way through that and didn't cring at the lack of punctuation, well then here are the cliff's.
1. pay everyday if you can or every week is ok
2. do not jump from 0% card to 0% card find one with a good rate and stay with it, I mean is it so evil of the CC company to make any money off you, they did loan you the money first. but if your gonna jump at least keep the card open a bit after, but dont complain when your credit report shows 40 open accts in the last 5 yrs and you cant get a home loan or car loan( yes ive seen it happen alot)
3. CC's are evil and no one should open any