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Everything posted by NTHER91

  1. for christmas one year i got a busa
  2. then you got the people with a life that didnt notice it went down like me
  3. yes he did and same i have a tko 500 and lov eit unless you plan on making 800 plus itll serve you fine
  4. can i get a copy of those too man call me and let me know man
  5. got a new best today th track hooked great for me all day 11.36 at 121 mph with a 1.6 60' now i need to stop granny shifting it and learn the car all over again. Oh yea RIP starter
  6. in the vid he didn't claim that. says t3 actually
  7. im a huge uofm fan, but i dont think we got what it takes this yr to be a contender. ill root for them every day though. but osu still sucks
  8. Oh your right this (you're ) is much worse than calling this (700,000,000) billion Since this is columbus RACING you win cuz you were the retard first. So i submit to you. oh and brian your car is slow!!
  9. its cuz you drive around at redline all day nothing is wrong with it
  10. isnt that 700 million? jesus your dumb
  11. on a perfect pass with 400 horse dave is right 11.9x but who do i car as along as your behind me do you still need my bottle if so i can drop it off
  12. just goes to show you that the middle of the earth is made of cookie dough
  13. if you can reach the pedals you can take it down
  14. me and you should be a good race ryan, oct 3rd man you better be there you on spray me not
  15. could be cat i guess but how to check without cutting off? its not the mod or cap sometimes it will rev freely but under a load it will stutter
  16. its a bs quiz cause pop is really soda in my book
  17. it cuts out like its hitting a fuel cut, ive replaced both pumps and filter and fuel regulator. Dont have pressure gauge to see if maybe lines are blocked but i was hoping rob ,rolla or dave would lend an opinion. It will go till about 2k rpm and then cut out then start going again, ( i cant go any faster than 65mph in 5th) i can only give it about 1/3 to 1/4 pedal or it will just die (not completely but like im off the gas) maybe its ignition related but i dont know anymore im sick of throwing parts at it.....
  18. not over rated i dont think but just not at all good enough to beat usc
  19. pm clark aka jelloman on here hes knows all about turbo dodge infact let me pm you his phone number so your buddie can call him
  20. so you think beating women is ok if she "slaps" you first???
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