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Everything posted by NTHER91

  1. i would think cavin has learned a very large lessons from this forum NEVER LET ANYONE KNOW WHAT YOUR PARENTS DO cavin prolly really is a cool kid but christ why dont people leave him alone who cares if he can buy islands he poops just like everyone else
  2. Its proven neither Sam nor Tilley can turn left.
  3. They were advertising something about COSI and a few things to do on the river front as well. Maybe try emailing them? ~Jenn
  4. Since "cheap" is a relative term, I guess I was looking for offers. I didn't need any games with it (unless it's Guitar Hero II or III). I've seen some on craigs list for around $50, but I don't trust anyone that can't be tracked down or someone I know, knows that person. thanks, Jenn
  5. While wathcing the news thismorning 10tv has a whole list of things that they said can be found on their website. Good luck! http://www.10tv.com ~Jennifer
  6. NTHER91


    im thinking i need to upgrade so that this will be an easier adventure
  7. nate i have a book that you can read if youd like was very helpful when i had to wire up a buch of stuff in my house/garage
  8. NTHER91


    No really i dont know how to set one up. But i was hoping i could get at least the basics from someone . Jesse as always you da man
  9. NTHER91


    im trying to set up a home server so i can store stuff on it and so can my family just music pics and such nothign that imma have to run a website off of i have no idea what im doing can someone help?
  10. notice: mustang in back round that sucks
  11. if your still around this next summer pick your poison ROLL N DIG no on the bike just a stock notch
  12. ^^ i love your bikes colors
  13. where are the pics of this chick first of all
  14. let me know when your looking for the 10.0 crew, youll be racing this http://planetsmilies.net/star-wars-smiley-6462.gif
  15. its not that they need to know, its called security. they want to make sure you know so that there isnt any fraud going on id like to see you bitch about it whne someone takes your card and runs up 2k in charges youll call up and say why didnt you block it ???
  16. That comming from the only one that posts more than Thorne, dosn't say much.
  17. no he dosnt just work there he RUNS THAT BITCH!! and is very proud of it
  18. who cares i will just build a car with wings then fly away from it
  19. just like when the country started they got a loan from the bank of england. this country was started on credit
  20. its cool gys i made it and got stomped at 355 but its cool i got lots of toys from the claw machines
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