you compare every mustang to what you had. your was one of the SLOWEST mustangs ever made heavy and made less power than a 89 gt
thats like me comparing every f body to the 82 z28 with the crossfire system, now would that be fair
what high school do you go to where people actually talk about fighting someone else cuz they are cocky GROW UP!!!! and hal is not cocky at all from what ive met him
i got pulled over for my car on high street "too loud" he says and apparently nawwws is not street approved lol
streetable and leagle are 2 diff things
my car gets 10 mpg runs xx.xx's and has two seats registerd and insured
and i dont know why it matters what kind of gas your running if you pay 5 bucks a gallon then fine
people put to much stock in the fuel people use its cuz either they dont know or their car requires it
best story ever they tried to tow my wreckd car away and charge me i said keep it they were like we will not we will sue i said hahaha ok you have my property put a lein on a wreck not fixed car that will go far
i live on the ease side now and those panels are on the west i would need help gettign htem to my house this weekend i will go make sure i have them and then call ya i can come give them to you and then if your free we can transport the shelves to my house