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Everything posted by NTHER91

  1. My Team lost and how childish is it to say hahhahahaah you lost hahahahah sportsmanships is lacking in the osu camp no excuses they/we lost no after osu loses see if you guys blame a bunch of other things other than they just lost rag on us Michigan fans all you want we will get it back together at some point in time just like osu did then itll be all smiles from our side also win/loss whatever we still love our team GO BLUE
  2. company men lol i say that whilest im becoming one but only cuz it pays better lol
  3. how did mary jane beat out your grandma ???? pot head much
  4. i have a qt of gm syncro mesh thats what the tko's call for they are like $15 a qt
  5. umm he can put a hurtin on more than you think, and he does plenty of burnouts, they are just at 40 mph
  6. you havent earned the right to talk to or about me yet
  7. i need a cabnet for the garage to store stuff in nothign fancy color dosnt matter just not destroyed let me know what you have
  8. sam that car only made maybe 480 hp last time i saw it dyno you got it and he does spray shit i could beat that car
  9. thatsz what made the joke funny to me lol who running tonight i got the car squared away i dont have a bottle full but ill deff be down to run
  10. imma buy it just to resell it to some dude on here since this ls motor is the easy way out lol but seriously thease things are like assholes everyone has one
  11. they have air shows all the time and indoor flight comp for electric on east broad at the golf dome every other sat night from 9 to 12 i think its a great hobby but exspensive and kinda hard to learn im still gettign used to the basic heli cx by blade i crash alot lol
  12. http://vids.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=vids.individual&videoid=2053157202 nws for bob saget
  13. i dont know why people cant stand to lose i mean it sucks but jsut do better next time
  14. perfect score you guys are lame
  15. i got my stuff done so i hope the weather stay nice too so i can get in on some of this stuff
  16. NTHER91

    some races

    yea nates car suprised me too when we raced that cr is fast and nice to boot
  17. i tried that genie thing does he appear after the bumps or before i think its not working ?!?!?!
  18. who am i to say what your doing is wrong hmmm im the poor sob that pays your bills with my taxes and for all intensive purposes you wrok for me and every person who pays taxes ive never said you were wrong just misguided
  19. dont you work managing an apt complex for your dad? or do you work for dfas??? what are your credentials to argue this topic???
  20. my 2 cents i think we need to spend everything we need to for the military keep the soldiers happy so they can keep us free, i have so much respect for anyone that is in or was in the service
  21. your a 22 yr old FUCKING accountant?!? are your kidding me what are you going to do calculate something at us? Grow up and dont get into a pissing match with someone that is smarter than you and dont make your job out to be all classified as most jobs a dfas are not the only reson you cant say is cuz the government dosnt want us to know what they really spend
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