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Everything posted by SuBaruA

  1. I was looking for a G3 so pictures would be greatly appreciated!
  2. Never been shot, still in the box. This is a very rare semi-auto 7+1 Turkish shotgun. Asking price is $1000. For pictures, email avibarua@gmail.com. Serious enquiries only please.
  3. Bump, Lowered to $500 due to the status of our economy
  4. Hey, These are 2 student tickets but we are upgrading so you don't need to deal with the ID hassle! Row 36, $600 OBO. I'll give you my parking pass on Lane & High behind the Shell for the game (will give you the pass on the day of the game, or the night before, I need to park until then) Please let me know by Thursday night so I'll know if I should EBay them!
  5. Damn, nevermind, columbus parking violations beaureau just ruined my day by giving me a ticket for something I already got a ticket for in the same day, then when I requested my hearing didn't tell me my court date was a week ago and raised my fine... sorry
  6. yeah you do, but you can either have him upgrade them for a small fee to gen admission or you can use anyone's student ID (they don't check the faces, just for the ID itself)
  7. SuBaruA

    WTB Glock 26

    check http://www.gunbroker.com , its like eBay for guns!
  8. SuBaruA

    Shrek 3

    emo+timberlake= no no... Not worth it IMHO
  9. SuBaruA


    "I LOVE YOU BRO :gay:" <spontaneous combustion of Lambo here>
  10. http://img187.imageshack.us/img187/1900/ownedcatbc6.jpg http://img187.imageshack.us/img187/28/sicklycat640hm8.jpg http://img187.imageshack.us/img187/3049/spiceqp9.jpg http://img139.imageshack.us/img139/157/treecatsxt5zl3.jpg
  11. http://img185.imageshack.us/img185/2686/katnj9.jpg http://img247.imageshack.us/img247/6064/monorailcatah0.jpg http://img84.imageshack.us/img84/3020/n16505596304599508461ph8.jpg
  12. http://img242.imageshack.us/img242/7614/formyspaceyahzq5.jpg http://img176.imageshack.us/img176/9715/harbl15cm0ey5.jpg http://img185.imageshack.us/img185/5294/imgoingtohellcx7.jpg
  13. http://img224.imageshack.us/img224/8431/cat2lt0.jpg http://img148.imageshack.us/img148/7672/happyendingkittymd7.jpg http://img176.imageshack.us/img176/3316/clipboard04ax4wo7.jpg
  14. hahaha, holy shit you just made my week! I couldn't help but relate him to the man in this gif: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v617/DreamSTi/paddling.gif
  15. I remember that well. I climbed up the support beam inside the Playdium and oh how that supervisor man yelled.
  16. What's up? I remember you waaay back when you were with that Peruvian girl, you used to have a white integra with assorted carbon fiber skirts right?
  17. http://img482.imageshack.us/img482/9018/0108060303xb0.jpg ^NWS ugh, me with Portia Surreal last year at the grand reopening of Global, ridiculous as I have no idea who took this picture, when it happened, or how I obtained oral herpes the next day http://img264.imageshack.us/img264/1764/0917050600ws8.jpg me with Efren Ramirez (Pedro in Napoleon Dynamite) embarrassing for the obvious unnecessary look at me I'm cool flicking the camera off with Pedro high school attention whore attitude http://img488.imageshack.us/img488/2410/1124050720we9.jpg The starter of this thread passed out in drunken stupor in a flattering pose in a show home where no one was supposed to be...
  18. how much do you want for smash brothers and the controller?
  19. Steak: *****Hyde Park, *****Ruth's Chris Italian: **** Trattoria Roma, ****Due Amici Chinese: *Joy's Village, **Sunflower, **Panda Inn, *Shangrila, ****Hunan House, **Little Dragon Indian: ***Maharaja's,**** Indian Oven Japanese Steak/Sushi: ***Fujiyama/*-*** depending on when Tyfoon and Shoku has great specials! Korean: **Korean Japanese Restaurant on High Thai: *** Thai Lagoon, ** Thai Orchid Fusion: ***Lemongrass Greasiest: * PJ's (Fat Sandwiches FTCholesterol problems) New Restaurant/Bar: **8 , but there could be some bias there... Try the Mac and Cheese and tell me there is a better one in Columbus! Pizza: *Papa Murphy's Take N' Bake if you don't mind doing it at home, otherwise **Hound Dogs *=cheap **= affordable ***= average priced ****= Upscale *****= Break the Bank
  20. Accurate Window Tinting on Westerville and Morse does a pretty good job too! http://img415.imageshack.us/img415/6486/dsc0123medium6dj.jpg
  21. staged... but still funny as hell
  22. http://gallery.brawl-hall.com/data/media66542/5/gay_alarm.jpg
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