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Everything posted by SuBaruA

  1. ? what happened? you never called me or showed up!
  2. if you do part let me know about the wireless!
  3. where you at? I may swing by and grab it!
  4. He did the same swap to his E55 too
  5. I thought the city of Philadelphia was completely wireless?
  6. Lies, oddjob could be shot in the head more easily!
  7. Blinder works quite well, a friend of mine has it gives the policeman an error reading when they laser you. I've witnessed him being hit a couple times and the officer just gave a "?" look as we drove by. I know a pretty good group buy going on for the Blinder system on another forum if you are interested and/or if you want I could put my name in and just have you reimburce me if you'de like. 295$ shipped for the Blinder M-20 XTREME I believe. Banned in Cally, Minnesota, Nebraska, Oklahoma, Utah, Colorado, Virginia and Washington DC PS I do not condone illegal speeding, speeding is bad
  8. MB- 354 Caddy- 345 Subaru- 300 Audi- 250 RR- 3?? P-Car- 415 Daytona- 400 2414
  9. Zero to 62 mph: 2.5 sec Zero to 124 mph: 7.3 sec Zero to 186 mph: 16.7 sec Standing 1/4-mile: 10.8 sec @ 140 mph Top speed (observed at governor): 253 mph
  10. Careful, you just reasoned out your own argument. Newer technology and advances in safety will not make a difference to the uninformed driver. AWD doesn't help you brake in snow, and talking on the cell phone instead of paying attention to the road will in most instances not yield in favorable traction control results. ABS can't help if you don't press the pedal because you're preoccupied changing a CD. You also forgot to mention that although many technological advances can help in the way of automobile safety overall, the other advances (cell phones, wireless broadband, DVD entertainment, children with projectile launching toys) impact the safety negatively. Now if someone could think of an equation to figure out which outweighs which. Good point overall though!
  11. Get back into the damn trunk! No posting until your (I mean UR) Mustang is causing worms to come out of the ground because of madd tyte bass (base, look I SPELLED A WORD WRONG, MY EPENIS IS SHRINKING, oh noes, your epenor has shrunk so much that it inverted and turned into a vagina !!1!1!!!ones1!) edited: Proofreading
  12. Quoted to jump on the "I AM SPARTACUS" train.
  13. when I was driving through stoneridge (to get to blockbuster from mi mexico) a police officer (older guy) going the other way stuck his hand out and had me roll down my windows. He asked me where my front plate was, and I explained to him that the vehicle was not actually mine and I was just driving it. He informed me that if he ever saw the car like that ever again then he would have my car impounded... I thought I just would get a ticket?
  14. What about ones that have are made of nomex/fingers covered with carbon fiber and kevlar?
  15. possible to meet halfway or in columbus? if so I'll take it
  16. iwillbeking270 will be dropshipped in with his new quad supercharged turbo FTW, but then he will realize he made a wrong turn and is in Columbus, Georgia... Therefore Sam will win
  17. Pictures, reason for selling? I'm interested if the conditions are right!
  18. Sam won't race until Corbin beats Linn's DSM, rules are rules ya know!
  19. Online conversation clips FTL!!! <IemAzn>: kekeke, I beat you with naws <ricerboi>: OMFG PWND... NAAWWWSSSS
  20. SuBaruA


    I can sneeze with my eyes open...
  21. Dunno if this has been posted yet but check this one out... http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/800HP-NASCAR-V8-PORSCHE-911-HYBRID-0-60-2-2-SEC-220MPH_W0QQitemZ4617574506QQcategoryZ10156QQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem
  22. Bento GoGo? The asian restaurant by day, sake bar by night?
  23. SuBaruA


    My cousin had one, its was a little earlier model... Coilpacks went out, one after another and the dealer couldn't fix all of them at once because VAG said to only fix them once they were damaged. Other than that they are fun little cars, small but cool sounding turbo! Learned to drive stick on one, it was fun! I'd probably get the 2.0T though, definately feels different than the 1.8 in a good way!
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