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Everything posted by SuBaruA

  1. my cousin's just broke, not externally at all but it says call microsoft and they want 125 to repair it. How much would you give/ how much to repair?
  2. ditto on what they said if its still up...
  3. I have a Samsung SCH-A10, I can try to get it traded for a new one under headset resolution and get back to you if you wish. It has a camera and a swivel lens and screen. Neat little phone, not as cool as my moto though :-)
  4. http://arstechnica.com/reviews/hardware/nano.ars/3 .... I "heard" otherwise
  5. MSF taught leave it in first with left foot down just in case you need to take off quickly in an emergency
  6. Hey, I've been riding for a little bit now but to cure any uncertainty I have about taking the test I was interested in taking the MSF basic class. It seems as though the class is booked all the way to the end of the schedule though. I was wondering how I would go about attending? I'd like to go ASAP as classes will be starting soon but am unsure on how to go about signing up or walking in. How does the walk in policy work and/or what other options do I have? Thanks in advance!
  7. uhh Im actually 15/F/So-Cal Teehee teehee I live in the Gahanna area and who said anything about 6 pack of alcoholic beer? I was assuming he meant Root Beer...
  8. she's gone. Thanks Alex!
  9. Here is where you will laugh... How do I know if I have an AGP slot? I currently have a crappy Geforce4 MX 440 64MB. I'm hardware impaired but it says here the bus is AGP 4X? Aluminium or Longneck? (BTW I have a Sony VAIO RZ Series Desktop with a 2.4 Ghz P4 and 1 Gig DDRSDRAM if that means anything at all :x) also, in one sentence or less explain to me if its worth $65, and draw a comparison between my current card and this one... do it without using the word like or as however and I will destroy the possibility of giving you natty light
  10. I'd like it, but I'm not too sure how to go about installing it, do you think you could help or know how much they would charge to install something like this? I call dibs just in case!
  11. PMs responded in order recieved, will keep updated! thanks guys!
  12. Yes! She is shy at first with other animals, but after a couple days she became best friends with my friend's ferret and cat. If you are interested in giving her a chance send me a PM and I'll give you all the information necessary! Thanks! And she seems to enjoy poking hear head around every little nook and cranny as opposed to stealing things. I've left my diamond ring, car keys, and other shiny objects in front of her and she hasn't stolen them. She does love playing with small plastic eggs though and loves playing chase!
  13. Hey guys, I have a white ferret that I can't keep anymore. No animals allowed where I am moving and there is a better chance that my mom would kill rather than keep the poor little thing. Its a female with all the basics done (de-scented, neutered) is half-deaf to my knowledge and loves to play. I would estimate she is around a year old as she is still small for her type. Although it would be nice to get a little money for the two story cage I bought for her ($109.00) I am more concerned with getting her to a good caretaker and will be willing to let her go for free if its to a good owner. In addition to the two-story-white-wire-easy-clean ferret cage with removable bottom I will give a bag of ferret food, dust free litter, a corner litter box, a hammock with fleece sheet, a couple toys she loves to play with as well as a tube she crawls through on occasion, a food tray, some ferret shampoo, and a large water feeder. Thanks, Danny
  14. I have a Samsung SCH10 Swivel screen phone if you still need one
  15. SuBaruA


    sent an email a couple days ago. Still haven't heard back...
  16. SuBaruA


    what kind of pads? and which version?
  17. SuBaruA


    I'm interested...!
  18. Its fine... I was under the impression that maybe a bottle came with it and thats all I'm really looking for. Thanks though for your time!
  19. What all is included? I'll call dibs till I hear back just to be safe...
  20. I agree with you completely Rane, nowaday if you want to pick the fight the damn person either cries like a girl or hits you once then begs for peace... what the hell happened to being a man... I'm telling you,we need to enjoy the pain, the glory that comes with being man.. we need to start fight club... #1 rule of fight club is we don't talk about fight club....
  21. I hate people who embark in forum drama simply because they cannot take satirical comments in an online bulletin board system. Apparently I am the only one who finds his post interesting and or humorous and I am the one that is a minority. I'm from a dirty third world country where the only thing to look forward to is having another kid so you can have a meal to eat the next day.(edit- This is a joke, I am kidding, people in my homeland do not their children, you notice that by informing people that I am kidding its no longer humorous...) Everyone is so obsessed with being politically correct nowaday that harmless comments are now blown up racist dogmatisms. I find it interesting how in this world where anything said can offend anyone that the white people are left out. How come whenever I hit a white man its okay because at one point in my life like all other races that are in this country one of my ancestors sisters civil rights activist was oppressed? Conversely if a white man go as far as to comment that my skin is darker than others, which is simply stating the obvious, or touch me its a racial slur or hate crime. I frankly seem to be the only one to look at 10X worses posts and laugh because when he says I hate mexicans I hate jews I hate phillipinos he is obviously kidding. Read carefully, he insults himself there, ITS SARCASM!! Does that make him racist? ugh whats the point in arguing, anything anyone says can be considered offensive, I'll go on living my life with a sense of humor and those who are concerned are free to go on thinking everyone who uses the word white black or asian in a sentence is racist. I have gone passed looking at race as an issue, and if someone is racist so what?! They are still human being and thus hating them for being racist only fuels their cause. If racism is a part of their life let it be, its a free country! The right to swing one man's fist ends at another's nose... Until there is physical action I'm sorry to say that the common childhood statement "Stick and stones can break my bones but words will never hurt me," applies.
  22. haha high fives and screaming "OH YEAH"
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