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Everything posted by Ramsey

  1. ****i need an aod started index plate or block off plate... looking to buy this week.*****
  2. Last time i was in gold, the girls were terrible. I mean like drunk/pilled up and some were super aggressive. I would not bring girls there. I like vanity, but i always see more girls at kahoots.
  3. http://www.kahootsonline.com/_img/vip.pass.01.03.11.pdf
  4. I like kahoots, get free passes online
  5. I hope we find the ae soon, this trolling is true perfection.
  6. That is a lot of car for the money.
  7. Sorry guys, i missed the replies. Please pm me if you know someone coming in. We have more open interviews saturday from 4-6pm. If you/someone you know cant make an open interview i can try to get something set up. As far as anyone who has applied/interviewed so far i know they are going over everyone's applications hopefully making call backs. They are looking to open very soon. If you want me to check on a name for you please pm me.
  8. He is probably a fall guy, no difference in penalty in 8 or 800.
  9. A little bit of everything.
  10. dudes on corral going 8.50s with notch ls? 88mm turbo @ 20#s
  11. Thanks for all of the replies. pms, texts. I got it taken care of for now.
  12. They are loaded with salt. I think the he trucks have hitches or trailer brakes. Still waiting to hear from Eric... Might be too late today.
  13. I need a dump trailer picked up in powell, dumped, and returned.
  14. Got on the road and my guy at speer called back and said he had one. It was going to be canton, like 45 mins north of toledo. It was for work, only on rtu was running. It was 50 inside.
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