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Everything posted by darksrt4

  1. I would like some info too.. my brother has a 1990 laser with the rear wheels off set by about 6inches.. we need toget rid of it!!
  2. dudemake sure you file a police report... just incase. you never know what may happen. Glad to see you are still kickin.
  3. we all know when you drive past Passen it makes your car a uncontroled speed machine
  4. this should be good. sounds like Gearhead's got some explaining to do!!!
  5. ok i adujusted to crap out of the cable that goes to the handle... didnt work. is there anywhere else to adujusted it from?? I checked to chain nothing in it. and it spends in neutral. I am about to say forget it!
  6. cool i will let you know i most likely be selling this winter.
  7. every one loves halo to bad i havnt heard anything about a movie!
  8. thanks alot that is what i was thinking.. yeah I am going to get something newer next year. This was just something to learn on. hey but there is on 10,000 miles on the bike!
  9. My 1981 Suzuki gs450 wont start. I think that it is the cluch it wont disengage the gear... < I think SO my question is. When you have a bike in 1ST GEAR with the CLUCH in should the rear wheel spin freely? It seems that it should... Should i try to adujust the cluch cabel? thanks for the help -seth
  10. I think it looks like a sweet action moive. I will go see most likey... The games are sweet now they just need to make a HALO MOVIE!
  11. good to see a honest point of view... I may not agree with 100% of what was said. thanks for not just bashing it. Most ppl bash srt4 with never even driving or getting to ride in one. I love mine and now that i got one my brother got one and one of my good friends just got a ACR srt. So they are worth every penny!
  12. darksrt4


    i will be there it was fun last year! should be some sweet cars there this year!!
  13. darksrt4

    my slow neon

    we should hook up sometime. i got 273hp 311 trq could be a good race... my brother has stage1 2005.
  14. gets my vote... that is what he gets for souping up a neon...
  15. looking good... wish mine would have been that nice and not have died!!
  16. i should have just gave him a call it would have saved alot of peoples time to flame me over nothing... i didnt want him to tell anyone he didnt want to know.. he knows to power of PM's.. for the "bidness" and "buddy" thing it was trying to show that i wasn't being seriuos about the whole thing. but i pretty sure some people took it the wrong way... sorry no i am not the retard with his exhuast messed up... i am sorry that kid ever even got an srt...
  17. if i recall right the turbo is mistu... and really the motor is out of the mexican stratus... so it is not a complete brand new motor.. they revamped that motor made it extra strong. and put it in an neon gave it good suspension and called it an srt...
  18. rob sorry to see your thread moved... b/c of jerks..
  19. http://www.ustcc.com/video/cal-speedway-short-320.wmv if this vid works... you will see why the srt4 is one of the greatest cars out right now!
  20. i guess it didnt look that bad... but i let off after i put a few lenths on you i could have kept pulling i think... but maybe not... yeah we'll have to go again sometime everyone can fight about this all day so 'To each is own' we all can agree on that!!
  21. warned?? your are a sure tough guy on the internet. you need to mind yo own bidness... do i even know you... i know the guy with the problem better than almost anyone on this board.. so take a chill pill buddy..
  22. warned?? your are a sure tough guy on the internet. you need to mind yo own bidness... do i even know you... i know the guy with the problem better than almost anyone on this board.. so take a chill pill buddy..
  23. yeah it is gay enough to beat your slow 300zx isnt it...
  24. yeah it is gay enough to beat your slow 300zx isnt it...
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