it sounds likr too much work would have to be put in to it, What you have said about the car really doesnt give it much of a tradein value or even a good sellers price... it is not worth fixing
not to bad. I nailed a mid-sized deer going 50 mph in my 1st Gen Neon. The deers head was facing the wrong way when in came down from its flight lessons. The car got a new hood and ratiator.
it looks pretty good. I played and beat the the 1st and 2nd. Pretty hard games. I wish they would have just kept the story the same. In the game the main person is the dad and the wife is dead. but whatever still looks good.
ouch i see alot of wasted money on the part of scion. i am sure it will be a big hit with the so called 'Ricer' crowd i mean come on look at those doors... you can get that kit on ebay.