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Everything posted by darksrt4

  1. maybe oneday i can get my Viper to his level! That is a great looking VIper Hope you get your boost corrected. Good luck
  2. it sounds likr too much work would have to be put in to it, What you have said about the car really doesnt give it much of a tradein value or even a good sellers price... it is not worth fixing
  3. nice hand guns like the easy consealment of the shorter light D.E.
  4. i was thinking the samething... but they look good on blue too
  5. wow, that made me really miss being back home in ohio, I cant wait to get into the secne here North Carolina.
  6. maybe it was chuckk norris's car?? yeah that is getting old
  7. not to bad. I nailed a mid-sized deer going 50 mph in my 1st Gen Neon. The deers head was facing the wrong way when in came down from its flight lessons. The car got a new hood and ratiator.
  8. it looks pretty good. I played and beat the the 1st and 2nd. Pretty hard games. I wish they would have just kept the story the same. In the game the main person is the dad and the wife is dead. but whatever still looks good.
  9. i noticed everyone yeilds to bigger Cars, or buses. that would be fun for a day until you got ran over. unless you was in the bus.
  10. thanks for the link, I am glad we the people can change the GOVT a bit.
  11. ouch i see alot of wasted money on the part of scion. i am sure it will be a big hit with the so called 'Ricer' crowd i mean come on look at those doors... you can get that kit on ebay.
  12. nice dyno man. 11.5 at the track that is really good, 1.7 60ft still having some tracktion problems. fastest srt in columbus goes to you.
  13. nice cobra a good buy. 25k for 12s in the 1/4 sounds like a good deal to me!
  14. sorry to hear about you getting laid off. Just keep working hard so they will remember you when they go to rehire.
  15. i would go for even trade. sounds like it is what you want.
  16. 55k in 1994, paid 33k in 2005 with the extra top and new hood it is worth from 30-33k.
  17. bump for a bike i wish i could buy... i love the kanatas
  18. I hope you are joking. I dont think that would be a very good deal for him.. lol
  19. aww I like that vid. it is very funny very true also. mac is the suck
  20. pretty old... but funny non the less
  21. darksrt4


    whoa he got a D- I wish i would have had that teacher in school I would have got A++++ on my papers
  22. yeah the cars have tons of power around 525 hp or so and even more trq. it slaps around the new Viper and the New zo6
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