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Everything posted by darksrt4

  1. mmm... 2 Dodges one movie i hope none of them eat it.
  2. Hey i'm getting my viper fixed right now... after i pay for everthing getting fixed, I will hit you back up. I love the truck i have had a few dak that were quick
  3. well i wont be home until Augest around the 4th or so. If the bike is still up for sale i will hit you up. NIce Bike it is what i have been looking for
  4. i had a conquest once aww yes... i paid 1000 bucks for it... I beat the living shit out of it for about 10 months. I had the funnest time drifting in the snow and rain. It was an nightmare when it came to wiring. But my drive shaft broke out the back of the trans. I took it to you wrench it got 110 bucks for it. All the fun i had in it. it was worth it but not a car i would own for a good daliy driver.
  5. I understand what you are saying, that is a valid point... I guess i have been training to much army stuff, going to iraq in Feb 08 so ya.
  6. he said wtf, wtf is that... and few times
  7. Indeed. the policeman really didnt use the escalation of force rule here. Could have tooking care the situation in alot different manner. I understand he had his hands in his pockets ok maybe he is hidding something but whatever
  8. I understand what you are saying. Easy really easy, but really effective.
  9. what a suprise geatine finish... that is one of the most basic moves i am not impressed. I have seen alot of his street fights and that is where he should stay.
  10. The most important thing in a running shoe is the shape of your foot. the three basic of feet shape is , Flat foot, Normal arch, and High Arch. The military gives you running shoe that way. It really makes a differance. So find out what shape your foot is and then some shoe stores have a chart that says what shoes are made for what kind of foot you have. I run 10- 15 miles a week and get new running shoes every few months.
  11. Only 88 miles... He has not truely got the thrill of a Viper yet. that is great to keep up locked up but to me. It is much more fun to drive once in awhile. his resale is going to be Great.
  12. looks good, I will have to pan out the cash for a 360, but i am going to wait still untill halo 3 comes out.
  13. I am not with either, 101st is mostly air assult now, But i am with the 18th Airborne Corps. They are at Ft. Bragg. IT is pretty cool deal.
  14. Airborne all the way, haha more like lawn dart for me. I jump with a 80lbs alicepack with a radio in it.
  15. i seen it, it was nuts, but he was walking around and even talked to the camera after it, he is a true machine, really who recovers that quick after getting knocked stone cold dead
  16. the civic with nos was the best, Vtec! Vtec! Vtec!
  17. I hope the insurance co. just sends me a check for lots of cash, and then i can take my time putting it back together, oh and as for me having a Viper at 22... had a really good Job for beening 18 making 35K+ and budget, single helps. lost job and in the army now, i really dont get paid anything now but i dont have to worry about rent or food cost. but budget is number one.
  18. i like where you are going with this, the only thing is a dont want my right air filter filled with fiberglass!!! haha i might be getting a 2nd gen hood now! woot woot!
  19. got to love the Ninja suit, warm and thin, i like the one guy in poly pros haha
  20. haha that is good, I always try and make car sounds to me they sound like it, but everyone else is looking at me like why is this guy drooling down his lips?? i dont get it
  21. You find me one and i will get it, haha the fiber glass one is like only 40lbs anyways
  22. I know the guy so it wasnt a problem, How much can you get a 1994 !st gen hood for? His insurance will cover everything but i am just shopping around right now.
  23. Well i got back into by a ram 2500 today, it sucked here is the aftermath, all damage was done by his hitch. http://i152.photobucket.com/albums/s170/radiojumper/Viperholeinhood.jpg
  24. ahh refreshing, i love the russian
  25. but there is not a NO PARKING SIGN????
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