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Everything posted by cNeutron

  1. I 2nd that she is pretty freaking hott
  2. Not usually a fan of the Fiero but thats def a nice one welcome to the board. And try to have a sense of humor.
  3. OMG everyone is like married but me damnit ha i need to find a wife.....well if i can decide to stay with one woman for longer then 3 months at a time
  4. Your a good man Eli
  5. The car from "dude wheres my car" i think it was a geo
  6. ha sorry to burst your bubble but that is not what this is about. damnitt you got me, you went and called me out....my pride is gone haha
  7. Havent you had your car for a few months and what have you done to it?
  8. ha wow you are taking this to a level that it shouldnt be going to but funny non the less
  9. the ladies wouldnt even know what hit them haha
  10. your missing the point mine is on there as well. The site is entertaining to say the least and so is this post. [/qb] Hey instead of spending all your free time on trying to think of good posts why don't you spend it on figuring out why your car is so damn slow.[/QB] You still arent getting it are you. To make a good comeback you have to say something that will bother someone. Non of your attempts have even been close. To say I should be figuring out how to make my car faster is minute. It still falls under the same lines as the mama and gay jokes. Funny in 3rd grade but not doing much now. Sorry that you feel you GTO is so much better then my little Cobra. You really do bring good credit to that car.
  11. IF your best comeback to what i said is this childlike gay porn stunt that is sad. It further proves my point that you did post that pic in hopes of what CR people would say. Next time you get a comeback try to think harder then 3rd grade. Yea YOUR MAMA.....ha you see same level.
  12. why would it bother you....In fact it is probably you putting your pic on there to see how many CR guys would "hit it". It was me being sarcastic but apparently i stepped on some toes with that comment. By other peoples reaction I do believe that girl is you.
  13. cNeutron

    Kingdom of Heaven

    umm Troy was really good.....and i wanna see this even though i think Orlando Bloom is annoying.
  14. 150 ummm 2 find those three things for that expect real cheap stuff. IF you doubled that you could get some pretty nice stuff. 2 12s a sub box and amp by mtx. Only 300 for the whole package brand new
  15. I shot the guys and the go dead.....But on a serious note that is a fun game
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