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Everything posted by cNeutron

  1. Congrats Sam on the sick car
  2. cNeutron

    Hello Everyone

    ok jiminy cricket.......no but seriously he sounded like a tool and more likely he is maybe we should be nicer. But its the spring and its fun to mess with noobs, if he cant handle our joking around then the odds of him being cool is slim to non.
  3. ok jiminy cricket.......no but seriously he sounded like a tool and more likely he is maybe we should be nicer. But its the spring and its fun to mess with noobs, if he cant handle our joking around then the odds of him being cool is slim to non.
  4. Team Z06 is getting bigger!!!......is that a good thing?! smile.gif
  5. cNeutron

    Hello Everyone

    your useless go somewhere else, this is a RACING site not a SOUND site......
  6. your useless go somewhere else, this is a RACING site not a SOUND site......
  7. cNeutron

    Hello Everyone

    if you are going to try and make fun of him make sure its funny....this isnt funny
  8. if you are going to try and make fun of him make sure its funny....this isnt funny
  9. cNeutron

    Hello Everyone

    do the kicker L7s i guarentee you will like those more then the P3's
  10. do the kicker L7s i guarentee you will like those more then the P3's
  11. cNeutron

    Hello Everyone

    do you work for best buy or something......kicker is better go with that. anyways welcome to the board.
  12. do you work for best buy or something......kicker is better go with that. anyways welcome to the board.
  13. wow now im a believer.....wait no
  14. come to circuit city on morese road geoff and i will show you. Its sitting right outside, i can even show you the title if you want me to.
  15. yea i can....i dont know if that is good for me to say i can
  16. how much? thanks everyone i wil have pics up in like a day, if i ever have time!!!
  17. cNeutron

    wat up

    yea apparently so do alot more people too.....welcome to the board
  18. haha i will give you props on that one geoff. Go to "O" its a great show
  19. thats pretty cool......where is superman?
  20. thats really clean, way before my time but still have respect for the classics
  21. my neighbor walks his cats, true story
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