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Everything posted by Mensan

  1. http://i.somethingawful.com/forumsystem/emoticons/emot-jewish.gif
  2. I disagree. I saw on Fox news that Rumsfeld said he has evidence that this particular bird was Syrian. This is evidence enough to show that Syria supports terrorizing bunnies, and we should invade Syria.
  3. Having met her, I am convinced she could easily take the raptor.
  4. I have an in dash 6 disc player that has a small crack on the bottom. I have the amps that go under the rear speakers. I have all of the speakers, and the box that goes under the rear dash (minus mounting bolts). I have the rear wiring harness. I have the tweeter pods for the front doors, one of which has the small mounting tab broken off (no big deal). I do NOT have the rear speaker grilles or the amp under the stock radio, nor the wiringfrom the front to the back. $200 for everything I have, or I will separate if the price is right.
  5. When you use a "3" as an "E" it makes you look stupid. Welcome to CR.
  6. How do you "power"coat engine parts, and where can I get it done?
  7. Aluminum would transfer engine heat into the intake air.
  8. Mensan

    The NWS thing

    NWS = Not kid safe either. Lets me know what I can and cannot open around my children. http://www.myspace.com/58788829 Oops! You're racist!
  9. Mensan

    Bad with money

    The main difference between rich people and poor people is uncontrolled spending. FWIW, I'm horrible with money. For the amount I make, I should have more available, I have just mis-managed.
  10. http://ec1.images-amazon.com/images/P/B00007BK2R.01._SCLZZZZZZZ_.jpg If you haven't seen this movie, go rent it tonight. It isn't a new release. I guarantee entertainment.
  11. Mensan

    3/31 and 1/01

    Uhhh...I don't have any plans for new years yet 1/01
  12. Worth repeating. How much invested in that car? Those pices of shit should be on the bottom of your fish tank. Do you have a fish tank?
  13. The entire data center at NASA headquarters on M street in DC is Mac exclusively. When asked why, their reply was stability. Make all the jokes about spacecraft blowing up that you want, NASA employs smarter people than any company in Cols. There was also a prevalence of Mac equipment at NIST. Just because more people buy one product, that does not make it better than another. Which car is better, the Corvette, or the Taurus?
  14. I have never seen a 3.8 Mustang with an 8.8. The car you are working on most likely has a 7.5 rear with a 2.73 gear. You can tell by looking at the tag on the rear end.
  15. Tranny will be OK, but you should upgrade the axle to an 8.8. The bellhousing for the 5.0 and the 3.8 are the same. You should upgrade all suspension components and brakes.
  16. http://www.careerbuilder.com/monk-e-mail/?mid=5094599
  17. All of that information is on a check. It takes a little more; I wouldn't be worried. I would not ship out COD.
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