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Everything posted by Mensan

  1. Wow, I thought Anthony banned attractive women. Nice to know he lifted that.
  2. http://i.somethingawful.com/forumsystem/emoticons/emot-synpa.gif
  3. http://i.somethingawful.com/forumsystem/emoticons/emot-whatup.gif
  4. Why is it called Welcome to Colorado?
  5. Yeah, Jesse's pretty good for a beginner. Looks pretty good, are you happy with the sound?
  6. http://www.perryjoshua.com/Exchange/drumcat1.jpg I have a .psd file of the cat if anyone wants it.
  7. Fair enough. You will win the drag race the way my car sits now. Chalk that one up already. However, I am working to alleviate that particular quality. As far as track experience, let me know when you're ready.
  8. Hey...She was Mexican.
  9. Let's race. You in your car (when it's done; I'm patient), and me in mine (you know, the one you said I don't have). Best two of three on the track. Drag, AutoX, and Road Course. If you feel you are at a disadvantage in your car, you can use mine in any of the events, set up the exact same way I drove it. Loser pays for all entry fees. If interested, PM me for terms ( I think you would find them fair). Waiting for you to post an excuse on why you can't do it.
  10. HOT, and hopefully pretty decent.
  11. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?Item=N82E16813131577R This page says no onboard video. Your video card should work when the machine is on. Try a known good video card. The monitor should come on if it works.
  12. The last post is the funniest. Edit:You use the SAME FUCKING INSULTS you did 2 years ago. Get some new material, man.
  13. Easy to talk shit about a car I don't own anymore. Why did you refuse a race I offered you if my car was never faster?
  14. http://www.jacobsen.no/anders/blog/archives/images/JesusCar.jpg
  15. Mensan

    New Exhaust

    And if I had a Formula, I'd keep it running.
  16. Mensan

    PC vs MAC

    So you play receiver, then?
  17. I saw Jesus driving a VW bus. It had a Darwin fish on the back...
  18. He got it back over a year ago. I haven't had a Lincoln in quite some time. But look at it this way, even when your car is running again, for the short time you'll keep it on the road, know that the Lincoln will still be faster than your ugly piece of shit (This time I mean the Firebird).
  19. Yeah, he should make a cool post in pics and vids. Maybe he could wash his ugly fucking truck and then take pictures.
  20. You Pro-Columbus Liberals make me sick...
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