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Everything posted by Mensan

  1. Does it shift into neutral or third when you have trouble? What did the old fluid look/smell like? How much shit was in the fluid? When my OD band burned up the fluid smelled horrible and turned dark brown. Only fix was a rebuild. Car would drive OK, I would try to accellerate in OD and it would just rev, wouldn't go any faster.
  2. All in fun man, hope you weren't pissed. It was a quick job I did earlier when I was looking through stuff. Not my best. I don't like the ground effects in front of the wheel on the first pic; looks fake. I also wanted to put shadows on the tires, but it all looks OK for a five minute job.
  3. http://www.perryjoshua.com/Exchange/dsm1.jpg http://www.perryjoshua.com/Exchange/dsm2.jpg
  4. The guy in the spinner hat sounds like beer guy.
  5. BIG BEN feels like helping, and therefore qualifies for a burrito. Nowhere in the requirements laid out does it say driving is involved. You owe 1 burrito. tongue.gif
  6. Joel, first off, Iraq is not the "KKK on crack". They are a poor country, and have little to do with any terrorist activities. The majority of the terrorists we are trying to deal with are coming from Saudi Arabia, which is why we have bombed them. Oh, wait, we haven't touched Saudi. Why is that? The reason we are being targeted is our occupation of Arabic countries. Why are we occupying Arab countries? Educate yourself. This website will show you that there were plans laid in place to attack Iraq YEARS ago, it had nothing to do with terrorism. It will also show you why we are still occupying Saudi. There is no point. If we pull all troops from the area, the attacks will stop. +1 on Godwin's law...
  7. I also had Ztech work on mine, they were great, and did everything I wanted. Their quality control and follow ups are good as well.
  8. First off, did we provide Iraq with something that its people wanted, or did we provide it with what we would have wanted. It's an important question involving morals. Secondly, for those who think Clinton did nothing in the middle east during his regime, go back and read some newspapers from the era. I know for a fact that he sent people over to shoot people and break stuff, because I was one of the people he sent. We went over to blow up Saddam when he wasn't being cooperative about inspections. We attempted to blow up Bin Laden, but he wasn't home. Just a couple of examples, there are more if you look for them. Also, we did not go over to Iraq to remove Saddam from power because we are good people and the Iraqis deserve it. We went over for other political reasons, mostly to benefit ourselves. I think the main question we need to ask, is "Why are the kooky arabs trying to kill us in the first place? Anyone know the answer? I do. Post here if you can venture to take a guess. There is a simple solution.
  9. Mensan

    IQ Tests

    I'll spell it out for you: NO ONE LIKES YOU. Let me know if you need help with the big words.
  10. Mensan

    IQ Tests

    You'd be amazed at the amount of stuff I don't know. No, I don't think I would. YO MOMMA, BITCH.
  11. Mensan

    IQ Tests

    Uhh...But you aren't ignoring me... I don't pretend to know it all. Here's what I know:</font> 1.Altezzas on a Mustang are gay.</font>2.I know what Bimmer means.</font>3.I haven't pissed off anywhere NEAR the amount of people on this board as you have.</font>4.People with the word "ego" under their avatar are compensating for something, especially those that pay unattractive hookers to pose on their car. Oh, wait...Was that your mom?</font>
  12. Mensan

    IQ Tests

    Apparently you didnt read what i had posted earlier. I will reiterate. "The only thing an IQ test measures is the ability to do well on an IQ test." So, I think it is you who should remain silent. Thanks. graemlins/thumb.gif
  13. Mensan

    Kill Bill 2

    Going to see this tonight. Tentative plans: Meet at Bar Louies at 9:45-10PM, to try and make the 10:30 show. Anyone interested can come. So far it is me, my wife, Orion, High Octane, and Tinman. See you there.
  14. Mensan

    velocity stacks

    We have talked to each other a couple of times. I don't know where to get those either.
  15. Mensan

    IQ Tests

    Hmm, funny how all of the people taking the test are falling in the 130+ range. The only thing an IQ test measures is the ability to do well on an IQ test. I did the Mensa thing, hence my handle, and didn't want to pay the $54 per year. High IQ's are overrated.
  16. http://carcino.gen.nz/images/image.php/73098651/shpw2.jpg
  17. My oil filter removal tool is the guy that works at the dealership. It's cheap, no reason not to pay for it.
  18. Dude, I think there is an article on tccoa, when Joe and I did it in the Mark (heater core) I think thats where he got the instructions. GOOD LUCK. I would rather do headers. TWICE.
  19. Neither did mine, you should see me now.
  20. Neither did mine, you should see me now.
  21. Do it yourself. No, really. If I can do it, you can.
  22. I took mine off after they had been modified (welded), and the area that wasn't coated was far worse than the area that was. I have a little rust as well, but not as much as youre talking about. Who coated them?
  23. We threw a new filter in, and it seemed to run OK, but I haven't talked to Veritas since then.
  24. Dude, did you check your connections like I said last night?
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