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Everything posted by Mensan

  1. http://i.imgur.com/Q8O7jvG.gif http://i.imgur.com/7IuiASj.jpg http://i.imgur.com/MiKcaGE.jpg http://i.imgur.com/vfeiPA4.gif
  2. Go see the Cliffs of Moher. AWESOME. We did the Guinness tour, but there's also Jameson. I had a great time in Ireland. Don't eat beef, it's disgusting. Eat at Oklahoma Joe's. Best BBQ I've ever had.
  3. They were charged with felonies, and it is national news.
  4. http://i.imgur.com/9gGQeNq.gif
  5. http://dubstepboat.ytmnd.com/
  6. I was going to bust your ass for this but I know why you're in this thread, so I'll just give you props for coming in and saying something. Also, John said it best anyway.
  7. That is true, women do be shoppin'.
  8. You derailed your own thread in the first post.
  9. Yep, that^^ Yes. It doesn't put off all of the products of a combustion reaction. Carbon solids, for instance. Sulfur and Nitrogen oxides, for another. They don't like the Mercaptan added to natural gas. It is removed.
  10. Yep. The unit intakes methane (CH4) and oxygen. It chemically changes those items into water and carbon dioxide. For every carbon atom pulled out of the methane it has to release carbon dioxide. The hydrogen is converted to water. There is no combustion, so there is nothing else released. I can't comment on a household unit as of right now.
  11. Yes, what I am working on is different. My role is the first of its kind at Bloom. Don't forget to renew your tags!
  12. Congrats! I wish I had something more valuable, but I don't know SC! Have fun banging your wife!
  13. Well, I guess there's always incomprehension as well.
  14. http://ts3.mm.bing.net/th?id=H.4665276210282630&pid=15.1
  15. No, my arguments have been about your contradictions in your statements, including calling someone stupid while spelling everything wrong. I see a lot of people with spelling errors, but your contradiction was what made it noteworthy. Edit: No, not a bonus check. I may edit my response as I feel a bit jackassish posting my salary on this forum.
  16. This is sig worthy. On a serious note, do you have Aspergers?
  17. Well done. http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/picture.php?albumid=695&pictureid=5569
  18. http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/picture.php?albumid=553&pictureid=6865
  19. Kenny, this is why you didn't think you lost to Jones. You can't tell when you're losing.
  20. No Aaron that would be an unfair assessment, as would comparing the value of said checks.
  21. No you idiot, I'm saying you DIDN'T MAKE A VALID ARGUMENT.
  22. I'll give you my cell sample... :gabe:
  23. I don't understand this comment. Two people have argued against your income, and you call out DJ. If you do make more than DJ, does this make you better somehow? If this is a fair comparison, and a statement of personal value, does that mean that Jones is better than you? Am I?
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