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Everything posted by Mensan

  1. I never tip online, you can write it in at the door. Paying a tip upfront is asking for poor service.
  2. I guess you can do what you like. As a driver I wouldn't take orders to two neighborhoods: The shittiest, and the best. Both tipped poorly, if at all.
  3. What I meant by it makes no sense, is that you choose to tip one based on the amount of bags you have, but not the other on the amount of food you order. You tip less to the person with the more difficult job, who performs a better service for you. I'm POSITIVE if you tipped your food delivery person even $1 more, you wouldn't miss it, and it would mean more to him. Also your argument regarding which type of setting they're in makes no sense either. Both are in entry level service jobs. I don't understand your logic at all.
  4. Comparing these two, to me, makes no sense whatsoever.
  5. I round up, give a dollar for every ten of my total, and add $1. I used to be a delivery driver. I see the same people in this thread bitching about people too lazy to get jobs. Want a better living? Work harder, get a better job. Then, when people try harder, Fuck You, you chose this job. Why shouldn't they stay home and try to get on gov't assistance, right? YOU are paying their wages, YOU ordered a service, and in this country it's customary for YOU to tip. Don't want to? Go pick your food up yourself. Tim, if ANYTHING I would think you recognize that tipping after you receive your food in a prompt manner with a friendly driver would earn more than the pitiful shit you leave. Also, after being a delivery driver, if you order from the same place where you tip next to nothing, I wouldn't recommend eating the food.
  6. Also try Crazy Scotty's in Marysville.
  7. No meat in that sandwich, chick in the joke is a vegetable BA DUM CHING (that's the joke) http://gifrific.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/04/gob-car-danc.gif
  8. Andy, good to hear you've got it under control. LJ, if you were right, I would agree. I don't think you are.
  9. Reasonable heat is defined as above 65 degrees in many states (The entirety of New England, among others including many city/county laws as well; Chicago, Baltimore, etc.), just not Ohio. Ohio doesn't define the term. What the Franklin County clerk recommends in this situation are exactly the steps I outlined above: http://www.fcmcclerk.com/dept/clerk/pdf/RE%20-%20INFORMATION%20SHEET.pdf Note that this form states a time limit for repairs to be made, not started.
  10. I agree, it is not automatic. The first step is to notify the landlord in writing, to give them a chance to fix issues. That's what I'm suggesting. I also don't understand what you mean when you say it's a problem. Reasonable heat is above 65 degrees. If they have failed to provide that, and failed to competently fix the issue, regardless of if it's been 'addressed', Andy should take steps to protect himself.
  11. You immediately, like today, notify her in writing, via certified mail/return receipt that the temperature in your apartment is, and has been below, 65*; and that she is in violation of ORC5321.04 Landlord obligations. If she does not repair this situation immediately you will be forced to do the following three things: 1) Place rent in rent escrow with the clerk of courts 2) Move forward with terminating your lease for breach of contract 3) Filing a complaint with the Attorney Generals office Your heat will be fixed same day, guaranteed. Edit: Wow, when I hit the 'respond' button there were no responses yet. I thought I was first. http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/picture.php?albumid=695&pictureid=5572
  12. ITT, people being attacked for expressing an unpopular opinion, by people saying people shouldn't be attacked for their unpopular opinion.
  13. http://ts1.mm.bing.net/th?id=H.4682469086267000&pid=15.1
  14. No, he didn't. He got fired for expressing an unpopular opinion. You've continued to demonstrate in this thread that you have very little idea of what constitutes rights.
  15. Ensure the gearshift selector is in "P". Stop driving that fucking car.
  16. http://ts3.mm.bing.net/th?id=H.4783740091433742&pid=15.1
  17. http://columbus.craigslist.org/cto/4125315722.html http://columbus.craigslist.org/cto/4221353215.html http://lexington.craigslist.org/cto/4197683067.html http://columbus.craigslist.org/cto/4241246144.html http://columbus.craigslist.org/cto/4200367506.html http://columbus.craigslist.org/cto/4233115828.html
  18. Wow, this plane crashed into the fucking mountain.
  19. Why do I have the feeling this thread would have been dead without Jones posting in it? http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/picture.php?albumid=695&pictureid=5573
  20. http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/picture.php?albumid=553&pictureid=6867
  21. http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/picture.php?albumid=695&pictureid=5564
  22. Cool video from GM, titled 'Around the Corner'. Simplified yet detailed explanation of how a rear differential allows wheels to travel at different speeds. Basic knowledge for some, black magic for others. I thought it was cool so now you have to look at it.
  23. This doesn't make any sense. There are always consequences for things you say. In this instance, he is a public figure. He hasn't been banned from being on television. If you were at work and said some dumb shit that pissed your boss off, especially if a lot of other people heard it and he felt isolated or embarrassed, you would be fired. the idea that public figures can say whatever they want without any fear of backlash by their employers or those they represent is pretty fucking silly.
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