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Everything posted by bahd-ler

  1. Wha.... I remember awhile back they wanted to ban dark colored cars saying they conduct heat and in return you have to run your a/c more. ..... interesting, did not know that, but they do allow marijana.... Heres the top 5 smoking states in the U.S. (FYI). Go figure. 1. Kentucky (ranked 50th out of 50) 2. West Virginia (49) 3. Tennessee (47) 4. Oklahoma (47) 5. Ohio (46)
  2. Sell me your car and I'll get you a good deal on a hyundai...
  3. What reality family hasn't... Hogans - check Lachey/Simpson - check Barker Family - check Gosselins - CHECK Lohans - check Teutuls - check Kardashians - they already suck Its seems Run's and Ozzy (and the midget shows) are the only ones who don't let fame get to their heads (prolly cause they're already rich).
  4. brahahahaha I'd hit it, but pass on munching.
  5. I thought the bikes always looked like shit, I hate theme bikes= ghey..... Now Jesse James was on the right track
  6. looks like she has a roast beefer, but then again imma just stereotyping
  7. I know its hard with the growth of publicity. Any reality show usually demises any family with the exception of the Osbournes. What made the show good is when they had to make the bills, when they were in a small shop, when Sr bitched about Jr's ways of doing things. Even though Paulie had good ideas, it was Sr's shop and it essentially was his way or the highway. I liked the yelling and screaming and conflict when the business was still growing. Now like Josh said, they have gotten to big for their own good. Is success > family?
  8. The one that wasn't mentioned was the Megan Fox one..... When the kid is locked in his room and his mom is knocking on the door, then later the 2 gay guys smacking each other. Here it is: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bXAt4ErggMk BTW, I am sick on Danica Patrick = not that great
  9. bahd-ler

    I see fail.

    Way to big.... I like the concept but not pratical
  10. That thing in the 3rd pic looks like its taking over your deck. I like the tractor one.
  11. Whats with the "launch" type button on the driverside door.... it has crank up windows
  12. ... all you 4x4, awd, quattro asshats. That is all.
  13. HD video would be a plus.... So I should steer away from the high-end "coolpix" and "powershot?"
  14. I want to buy a nice camera, not just the average point and shoot. I have narrowed it down to Nikon and Canon, but am open to others. I want to spend between $350 - $500. I have been looking at the "cross-breeds" like canon SK 20 or the nikon p90. Then I got to thinking if I'm going to get a camera that big (one I have to carry in something other than my back pocket) why not just get SLR. I'm new to photography and most likely won't use anyone of these to it's full potential, but I always say that when buying shit like this and after about a year or to have it mastered. I just want to take really nice pictures. Any suggestions? Is there anything wrong with buying used?
  15. Headshot...... but seriously what this guy said.
  16. I have had six pairs of these, the go for about $120 bones.... Love the fit and sturdiness of them for a "aviator." Smith optics Serpico..... Pastrana wears the same pair. http://i148.photobucket.com/albums/s28/d19sevent2/products_11_109_2.jpg
  17. I like it alot. The wheels look good and the ass end looks a ton better then the camaro.
  18. I've riden a '87, loved it, rode like it was 10 years before its time. I love the grafix too, I was going to get the retro plastic for my '06 cr when I had it. Beautiful bike. http://www.vitalmx.com/forums/Motodrive,19/Classic-1987-Honda-CR-250,122340 http://i148.photobucket.com/albums/s28/d19sevent2/87CR2501.jpg Good luck with sale.
  19. Weren't these known for being one of the best 250's ever produced?
  20. The commentator in the second link kind of sounded like Major Payne. Ah chug achug chug WHOOT whoot!
  21. Hahahahaaa, even though your map is ridiculously annoyingly big, you should have got the iPhone so you could surfz while ya talks.
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