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Everything posted by bahd-ler

  1. I do not yet have a holster for my LCP, so when I carry it in a "pocket" or whatever its in, I do not have a chambered round, just don't feel safe enough. If the firearm is holstered and secure it should always be ready to go.
  2. Who the fuck are you?
  3. I carry an uzi strapped to my leg, but not on the days I wear wranglers for they're too tight..... then I just put it in my brown leather satchel, and um Steve can vouch for that.
  4. Heres the story and link: http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,582390,00.html
  5. I agree 100% but with being a "white" realist, you're also a racist.
  6. Good intro Steve.... Love the car. Welcome.
  7. I see your point on this matter, which is very funny..... and I second your pwnage, but to the topic you're wrong.
  8. ... besides the point of having the money or not. They should have to catch the car on the road. They mailed my Mom stating she has randomly been chosen to prove auto insurance, is this right? I don't think so, now everyone knows auto insurance is mandatory and I despise people who don't carry it. Same goes for the "red light camera" law. They're getting too out of hand. You should have your tags, insurance, and not speed or run red lights.... but they should catch you personally. Just my 2 cents.
  9. I do like/respect their new commercial, at least they admit it.
  10. bahd-ler


    Oh, and one thing Palin wasn't running for President.... Obama was!
  11. bahd-ler


    I really don't understand the argument anymore. A year ago, I guess I could see why people supported our "commander and chief" (scary words). Not so much anymore, for the 53% of this country that did vote for him, you're just the blind slut at the frat party that got whispered sweet nothings all night and fucked in the bathroom. You can deny that you got played, you can accept it, I don't give a shit. Bottom line is you didn't even get that little call the next morning. What has he done for us...ME, the tax paying, law abiding citizen? Why do hard working americans like us get punished for striving? Where is Americas motivation? Why should we be motivated? Aren't we after the "american dream," and now the government wants to take that away and give it to the ones that aren't educated, that are lazy, that knocked up 10 different women....Thats BS. This country is divided in two, the go-getters and the fat lazy asses. Please enlighten me on why I should support our President.
  12. Lol, whatched the show also with the girl, could barely sit through it.... but the dumb shit Mike says is funny..... I using the grenande, that was funny as shit.
  13. Thats what I was going to get, but a little heavy.... Couldnt pass up the LCP
  14. Thanks for all the opinions.... I really like the mac's but Im not too computer inclined... I just didnt know if apple had their big nutswingers or if they are as good as I've heard.
  15. I am getting a new laptop for school and was wondering if I should go the apple route. I have never owned on but its seems people that have them love them, so I was hoping to get computer savy people to help me decide.... It seems the debate is almost as big as the "chevy/ford" one. I'll be using mainly for school, pics, and music. I dont play any games or any of that shit, and I have a Dell at home. Help me out guys.
  16. I cant belive there is only 3xxx views..... fap fap fap
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