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Everything posted by bahd-ler

  1. When ya going??? I'm down, I know some muchacha sucia's............
  2. Don't go, but if you do EAT EVERYTHING
  3. I'm sure the guy who died loved the water/boating. I thought this was unheard of and you were limited to a hearse, but several years back my fathers uncle died and the family loaded him in the bed of a pick-up truck. Sooo, IDK....
  4. WTF site is this before I answer if she has a cock or not, I'm going to ask here you find this shit.
  5. So true tho, nothing is as ignoring as someone bitching about their food.
  6. Woody and the Wake Up do a thing every tuesday (I think) where they drop shit from a crane in to a dumpster. Well during the county fair they come to Delaware and drop big shit. Well they came last tuesday and I was up there and snapped a few shots. for those that care. Figured I'd share. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KjLdfOd_8oo http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WBfCZSLgrq8&feature=channel_page Heres a VW Rabbit http://i148.photobucket.com/albums/s28/d19sevent2/IMG_1938.jpg http://i148.photobucket.com/albums/s28/d19sevent2/IMG_1941.jpg http://i148.photobucket.com/albums/s28/d19sevent2/IMG_1942.jpg When it landed: http://i148.photobucket.com/albums/s28/d19sevent2/IMG_1947.jpg Then they dropped this 800lb tire on it, because they are hillbillys. http://i148.photobucket.com/albums/s28/d19sevent2/IMG_1949.jpg http://i148.photobucket.com/albums/s28/d19sevent2/IMG_1950.jpg Finally the aftermath: http://i148.photobucket.com/albums/s28/d19sevent2/IMG_1953.jpg
  7. A buddy of mine and me were goimg to go as this, I dont think it would be to hard to pull off. http://i148.photobucket.com/albums/s28/d19sevent2/pulp_fiction_duo.jpg
  8. I deffinantly see your point, and agree. I thought the sand was a little more pricey than that. I have done this on "used" patio's to prevent moss and it works fine. Either way I think the sand acts more as a barrier than a bond.
  9. x2... Agreed, It seems more and more people are using 9's, as they "most" likely drain better, compact a little nicer without the "bigger variables as sand. I see more and more commercial jobs calling for 9's. I would take the time/money to rent a compactor, just because it does a nicer job on the base and tamping the pavers at the end. Jake is also right with the polymeric sand, for Ants and Moss can't work their way in the cracks of your pavers. One thing I have found is to save a buck, sweep your cracks in with concrete sand, then tamp your pavers.... finishing off with re-sweeping using the polymeric (for that stuff can get real pricey). Also make sure before you water/MIST to activate the polymeric to have the pavers completly clean for the glue in the sand can stain your pavers (might use a leaf blower just letting it idle, and being careful).
  10. Not that checkpoints are right or wrong, but I agree with you... This happens all the time, weather your in a "bad neighborhood", driving a "fast" car, or being around a "booze" establishment at "certian" hours. I can't begin to tell you how many time I've been pulled over completely sober (or even being a DD), not doing a damn thing wrong, having the cops be complete dicks, just because I was in the wrong place at the wrong time. This pisses me off. And to top it off the try to manipulate and persuade you into doing wrong. "No you didnt see me "tapping" the center line, Officer!" As we have rights and privileges so do officers of the law, and they abuse them as well.
  11. I don't understand how some of you say it can't be a race thing. A: If it was a 16/17 year old black girl, instead of Taylor nothing would have been said, by Kayne. B: I can't even imagine a white guy doing this to a black girl.... It just seems black people are more/socially accepted racists. Props to Beyonce, great job hands down, when I saw what she did it gave me goose bumps.
  12. bahd-ler


    I got mine today, about tonight and the USC game, idk. But literally like half my work crew got them also with in 5 min. And why do they email you too, I have email on my phone, so i have to deal with both. I'm texting back "fuck you"
  13. I saw this saturday, didn't dig any further to find a story.... I'm not surprised he said that, and I'm not surprised he is an idiot.
  14. Hell, it's a business as much as a sport, and thats with any sport.
  15. It would have been funny to have someone with a "mic on a stick"
  16. Thats what I've heard... it's that good. I'm just putting something together for tonight and I figured the girls wouldn't want to drink it straight.
  17. Thats sounds sick, I always want to take a camera with me, but I'm either afraid I'm going to break it due to alcohlism, or I always get self-conscience about looking like a tourist. Can't wait till its posted.
  18. Ok, I haven't ever had Courvoisier, I don't really know what I should get to mix with it, looking for opinions.
  19. x2.... Real tough guy, someone should have knocked his ass out... Why do players continue to fuck up and act like complete idiots. I'd throw his ass out, and start someone who is a little more respectable. With opportunities like some of these athletes have, how can they be so damn dumb. Grow the hell up! Facepalm..
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