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Posts posted by bahd-ler

  1. How do you fly it and aim the camera....I have been thinking of picking up something like this for my own personal use and to film at the race track and such.

    Flying is fairly easy, you just point the drone where you want it to film! You can buy a gimbal which basically gets the camera steady! The gimbal will allow you to move from horizontal to vertical on a 90degree axis.



    I wouldn't use those iPhone photos shot vertically. When doing interior real estate shots you want to take photos as wide as possible and vertical iPhone shots do the complete opposite making the room look very unflattering and confined.


    Personally, I still think drone shots are cheesy.


    Yeah, it's the only photos of the bedrooms he had available to give me! I thought the same thing with nice shot of kitchen and living room and vertical shot of the bedrooms! Vertical is my pet peeve!

  2. So several months ago I picked-up a DJI Phantom. I've been trying to get into the photography/videography biz, but its more just a hobby for now. The only camera I own is GoPro and Iphone, but would like to get a dslr in the future. All my videos have been for personal use until now...


    My cousin rents his Tahoe/Reno home on VRBO.com. We recently took a trip out there in February, so I took the drone. I made a short promotional video for him to use on his site and to help give a better visual of the house and property.


    Would like some feed back on what CR thinks? Maybe turn a hobby in to something that can substantially finance itself!


    So... if anyone would like some aerial photos and/or video done pm me!



  3. I fucked up and forgot to make reservations and I have to judge a ballroom comp 13 hours tomorrow. Found a reservation for two at 8:45 tomorrow night in Delaware at 1808 house or some shi. I'm gonna get yelled at lol


    I thought 1808 was a nice place... How'd ya like it?

  4. I've been a student pilot for the last 3 years. 48 hrs under my belt...you'd think I'd take my damn written by now!


    Clay, I didn't know you were taking classes... Its something I've always wanted to do. I would have definitely picked your brain at softball.... When you showed up!


    - Dennis

  5. So how many people here on cr are pilots?


    I'd like to be... I have a introductory flight lesson coming up, my only dilemma is justifying price! My Grandpa and both my uncles had their private license, but money was more expendable for recreational use 30-40 years ago. I'd like to get my sports license and go from there depending on my financial situation in the future!


    I'm the little guy on the wing


  6. My folks were witness to the accident. There was a V12 Mercedes seen in one pic. Mercedes and viper get on 33, Mercedes lets viper in last second, passes said viper, viper follows suit and looses it.


    So he was dicking off (not a health issue that caused the accident)? Is there any truth to the decapitation picture?

  7. So I'm driving up 270 (between Tuttle & 33) and traffic starts to slow. Anyway sitting next to me is a C7! The first I've ever seen one on tye street any way! After taking a minute of realizing this car is far uglier in person my attention drifts back to why in the fuck are these motorcycle cops in front of us bringing us to a complete stop on 270? They gradually slowed us down until we stopped at the 33 exit. All of the sudden there it was, getting on 270 eb from 33n was probably 50 supercars! If I wasn't fucking around with this stupid photo I could have snapped some of more important cars! Anyone know where all these guys are headed? I know good guys is this weekend but there was a whole presession of these guys! How did they get CPD to close the freakin highway?





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