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Posts posted by bahd-ler

  1. I'm sorry in advance. I'm all in for buying American made goods, but how and where do I draw the line?




    Budweiser beers, made in the USA, actually in almost every cities in the USA, but the parent company is not American.


    Honda, Toyota, Nissan, Subaru,....are all now build in America, but the parent companies are not American.


    Nike, The Limited, Victoria's Secret, Ford,.....are not made here in the USA, but the parent companies are here in the USA.


    Do you see where I'm heading to? The line is not black and white any more, it's a massive shade of gray. Like I said earlier I'm not trying stir the pot, I just want to be enlighten.



  2. People cant use your upbringing as an excuse forever. We are all capable of educating ourselves shy of a mental disability. A handicap falls into the unexpected, I know I never expected it to happen to me and because it did I do not now get to start making bad choices. Even a person without the skills is still capable is he not? It may take that person a little longer to figure it out if ever but certainly capable shy of some circumstance beyond their control.


    Just like in the movie "RUDY"

  3. And your her to add what to the conversation besides figting Jones over Tim's dick? Go away before you get spooge all over the place


    I added to the conversation because I thought you should know you making yourself look like a douche bag! Look, I know we all have problems, WWHAAAHHH WHAH WAH! Your the cry baby that thinks we all are "entitled" to the american dream. Not so pal, lifes not fair, and your the problem I have with America if you think you deserve something from someone that in some way is more "fortunate" than you! I don't need to nor want to go further into this, cause the debate is impossible. So don't respond

  4. I dont fucking get some of you guys. Some of you are so fucking detached that its not even funny.


    Not all people make their own choices and in many instances are forced in to a way of life from childhood and dont have the same things available to them that the people on the other side of the tracks have.. It must be nice to sit up on top of your mountain and looking down analyzing situations that you have never been in and then claiming that your way is the way it should be.


    Im not saying that I was forced in to a particular lifestyle but I was not handed shit that a lot of people are. I struggled for many many years before I got where I am. There is also a big difference in saying that you came from nothing versus really comming from nothing. I would be willing to bet that the few that are arguing my point have not had to live through a hard life as they were growing up. There is also a hugh difference in education based off of where you are brought up. Schools in the ghetto dont offer the same as schools in the rich neighborhoods. There is a huge huge difference.




    Dude, Please STOP!!!!

  5. I'm selling my Snowboard. Its a Burton Bullet B13 with Burton Freestyle Bindings. Right now its currently set up Goofy. It has some to light scratches and wear. I'll throw my boots in with it if anyone wants them as well, but they're older than the board/bindings. I'm asking $150obo for everything.


    SIZE: 162








  6. I am selling my movie collection. I’d like to sell them all at once instead of dividing them to save time on my end and yours. There is 163 movies in total with several BLURAYS. I am asking $150 for them all.


    The Library includes:


    1. 3:10 to Yuma (BLURAY)

    2. 8 Seconds

    3. 3000 Mile to Graceland

    4. After the Sunset

    5. Air Force One

    6. The Alamo

    7. American Beauty

    8. Alpha Dog

    9. American Graffiti

    10. American History X

    11. American Pie 1

    12. American Pie 2

    13. American Pie 3

    14. American Pie Beta House

    15. Analyze This

    16. Analyze That

    17. Animal House

    18. Apocalypse Now

    19. Bad Boys

    20. Bad Boys 2

    21. Bandits

    22. The Bank Job

    23. The Beach

    24. Behind Enemy Lines

    25. Billy Madison

    26. The Big Lebowski

    27. The Birdcage

    28. Blade Runner

    29. Black Sheep

    30. Blood Diamond

    31. The Bone Collector

    32. The Boondock Saints

    33. Boogie Nights

    34. The Bourne Identity

    35. The Bourne Supremacy

    36. The Bourne Ultimatum

    37. The Breakfast Club

    38. Braveheart

    39. Butch & Sundance

    40. The Butterfly Effect

    41. The Cable Guy

    42. Casino

    43. Casino Royale

    44. Cloverfield (BLURAY)

    45. Cocaine Cowboys

    46. Collateral Damage

    47. Comanche Moon

    48. The Contract

    49. Cool Hand Luke (BLURAY)

    50. Cool Runnings

    51. The Dark Knight (BLURAY)

    52. Dave Chappelle Live

    53. Days of Thunder

    54. Death Proof

    55. The Deer Hunter

    56. Dejavu (BLURAY)

    57. Deliverence

    58. Delta Farce

    59. The Departed

    60. Derailed

    61. Die Hard

    62. Die Hard 2

    63. Die Hard 3

    64. Die Hard 4; Live Free or Die Hard

    65. Disturbia

    66. Drillbit Taylor

    67. Dukes of Hazzard

    68. Entrapment

    69. Fast Times at Ridgemont High

    70. Forrest Gump

    71. Four Brothers

    72. Friday (Bluray)

    73. The Girl Next Door

    74. The Godfather

    75. The Godfather part 2

    76. The Godfather part 3

    77. Goodfellas

    78. Grandmas Boy

    79. The Green Mile

    80. The Hangover

    81. Harts War

    82. Hostel

    83. Hot Rod

    84. Inside Man

    85. Jackass

    86. Jackass 2.5

    87. Joe Dirt

    88. I Am Legend (BLURAY)

    89. Into the Blue

    90. Knocked Up

    91. The Italian Job

    92. The Last Samurai

    93. Legends of the Fall

    94. Lock, Stock, and Two Smoking Barrells

    95. Locked Up

    96. Man on Fire

    97. The Matador

    98. Matilda

    99. The Mexican

    100. Once Upon a Time in Mexico

    101. Miami Vice

    102. Mr. & Mrs. Smith

    103. Mr. Brooks

    104. Mr. Woodcock

    105. National Treasure

    106. Night Passage

    107. Not Another Teen Movie

    108. Out Cold

    109. An Officer and a Gentleman

    110. Patriot

    111. Perfect Stranger

    112. Pirates of the Carribbean

    113. Pirates of the Caribbean 2

    114. Pirates of the Caribbean 3 (BLURAY)

    115. Poseidon

    116. The Professional

    117. Public Enemies (BLURAY)

    118. Pulp Fiction

    119. The Punisher

    120. Pride and Glory (BLURAY)

    121. Quantum of Solace

    122. Rambo First Blood

    123. Rambo 2

    124. Rambo 3

    125. Rambo 4 (BLURAY)

    126. Reservoir Dogs

    127. Road to Perdition

    128. Road Trip

    129. Running Scared

    130. RV

    131. Saving Silverman

    132. Saw

    133. Saw 2

    134. Scarface

    135. Shoot ‘em Up

    136. A Simple Plan

    137. The Simpsons Movie

    138. Sling Blade

    139. Spiderman 3 (BLURAY)

    140. Stand by Me

    141. Step Brothers

    142. Super Troopers

    143. Talladega Nights

    144. Taken (BLURAY)

    145. Taxi Driver

    146. Team America

    147. Texas Chainsaw Massacre

    148. The Thomas Crown Affair

    149. Titanic

    150. Tombstone

    151. Top Gun

    152. Troy

    153. True Lies

    154. Up in Smoke

    155. Vacation (Nation Lampoons)

    156. Varsity Blues

    157. Walk Hard

    158. We Own the Night (BLURAY)

    159. Wedding Crashers

    160. Witness Protection

    161. Without a Paddle

    162. Witness

    163. Wyatt Earp

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