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Everything posted by bahd-ler

  1. Buy a double barreled shotgun and fire 2 blasts into the air!
  2. To be honest, is he any dumber than revving is motor past 6k when told to take it easy?
  3. BAN this fuckhead from existence, PLEASE! Im sick of logging and seeing this idiots posts already. It might have been amusing for the first 2 weeks, now its just depressing! Thanks Obama!
  4. He looks like the pussy sidekick of the Governors from the Walking Dead
  5. Maybe, I think he got some fronts too
  6. Dad just bought $800 worth of Gator tires and then decided he wanted a new Gator.... What size are they?
  7. http://i148.photobucket.com/albums/s28/d19sevent2/Screenshot2013-02-23at12333PM_zpsf014cd7a.pnghttp://i148.photobucket.com/albums/s28/d19sevent2/Screenshot2013-02-23at12358PM_zps46647a20.pnghttp://i148.photobucket.com/albums/s28/d19sevent2/Screenshot2013-02-23at12429PM_zps5464eaec.png
  8. I would consider a Yukon tho
  9. Looking at midsize SUV's for a daily around the 10g-15g range. I want to stay away from Cheby. Nothing is appealing to be except the X5 and Exploder. Pro's, Con's? Whats CR's take?
  10. Found him.... http://movieclips.com/WZxV-hannibal-movie-brain-on-a-plane/
  11. I love this quote, and I want this gun.
  12. I looking to buy an air compressor would like a 60 gal. Show me what you got
  13. ... or I don't have my computer up my ass. Get the fuck out
  14. Still for sale! Make some offers
  15. $50 to Aspen Ski and $50 to Cabelas. $45 each or $85 for both
  16. I know my Dad has some for mid February that he doesn't want.... I think its Indiana or Minnesota? I can ask and post back. I want to say section 134
  17. The thing is if this were the case I feel only the "physically strong or highly trained" in combat would survive. Primitive weapons would take away from the old saying "God made man, but Samuel Colt made them equal."
  18. Haven't read the rest of the thread before quoting so I'm unsure if anyone else as touched this topic, I also feel its an extremely easy target in part to no one is allowed to conceal carry in schools. Gun control shouldn't be discussed at the moment, but I feel this maniacs go for "high numbers" and feel that they are less likely to be stopped in school... This being said I dont know why you don't see more churches as target as well... My thoughts a prayers are to all the victims and family.
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