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Everything posted by 90G60

  1. GLWS, if only I had a garage (and 11k laying around). I have a friend that might be interested in picking this up for his wife as a Christmas present though.
  2. Just a few dollars difference. Has your story changed? If not, I'm not sure I could justify dropping 5k on A Christmas present (and I work a full-time job, with only 1 child).
  3. I bet that's the one. A friend of a friend who knows the kid, said he told him he drove past a vette the other day. Was that you?
  4. Thanks for all the input. Partially due to feedback from here I decided to go the LS3/L92 route. Picked up a Vengeance Racing ported intake manifold and fuel rail today. Heads and cams are next. http://i450.photobucket.com/albums/qq224/mtwebb5/CTS-V/null_zps4c66f51e.jpg
  5. Replacement/additional cars are a little pricey. Not sure if you noticed, but the starter kit only comes with 2 cars. May want to consider picking up a 3rd. http://store.apple.com/us/product/HD005VC/A/anki-drive-expansion-car-rho?fnode=39
  6. Double post... For anyone else interested you can order them direct from Apple. http://store.apple.com/us/product/HD003VC/A/anki-drive-starter-kit If you prefer to pick them up locally, we have 2 more on the way. I couldn't tell you whether the Apple stores will carry them or not. Depending on what happens with consoles this season; this will likely be one of the "must haves" this year.
  7. Thank you Clay for posting this video. After seeing it, I begged our test buyers to order some into the store. Promising them sales, or at least one for errrr my son. Today I got word. They were able to source one! http://i450.photobucket.com/albums/qq224/mtwebb5/null_zpsa1116e59.jpg I am no sponsor, but I told them to order more as I may know of a few interested parties....
  8. 200 sacrifices. Doesn't really appear to do anything other than kill the Joe Bob guy.
  9. Got it, and made all necessary sacrifices. Now I'm done again tell the next update I guess.
  10. Glad you had a laugh; need a bike?!
  11. Any interest? Price is OBO.
  12. Pretty sure it matches saved games by MAC and IP address. If you ever visit again, it will pick right back up where you left off...
  13. Nope. I haven't lost interest completely, but the only other achievements left requires me to wait 6 days and donate money.
  14. Welp, guess I'm done? http://i450.photobucket.com/albums/qq224/mtwebb5/meth_zps236d1874.jpg
  15. I've been reading about all of this for the past few hours. Think I'm going to try to find a complete set of OEM LS3/L92 heads with intake. Have them milled, the intake ported, and go cam shopping. Thanks for all the input!
  16. Check out the fine print. http://i450.photobucket.com/albums/qq224/mtwebb5/null_zps5d44980b.png
  17. I managed to get the first 2 upgrades on my first try (2nd page). The last one has failed 4 times already. It's only 11 trillion grams though :fuuuu:
  18. Click the little ? and read about Joe Bob. Never really saw it for myself. I just got a second chance. Keep hiring Master Dealers. Once you make more $$ more options for labs will appear.
  19. Something about oil starvation issues. If you check out the 2nd link, that's the route I was planning to head before I heard about the potential problems.
  20. The 04-05's are the weakest. The 06-07 issues are less prevelant. Still can grenade them with wheel hop. I've been lucky and only experienced it once so far for a split second. I've already taken several preventative measures to help avoid both wheel hop and diff destruction. I'm not naive though. I've got a built 8.8 lined up. Just need the conversion kit.
  21. I've been debating a Fast 90/90. Stock heads and cam, the fast isn't that great of a gain. Plus I'd rather have the lope. I'll probably end up with a new intake manifold around next summer. I left out in my original post that I have no plans to stray from N/A within the next few years. My goals are to build the suspension and have the car tuned around 450whp.
  22. I'm there. Just tons of info to sort through. There isn't really a newb guide that I have found. Just a ton of people with a ton of knowledge and differing opinions.
  23. Since picking up the CTS-V I've been trying to research all of the different options that come with trying to modify these motors. Over the winter I plan on getting new heads and cams. A buddy who knows more than I do, tells me I should find some CNC 243 heads from a big name like Tick or Texas Speed. I've been looking at some of the stuff at Advanced Induction, as the pricing seems a little more cost effective. http://www.advancedinduction.com/LSX/AiLSx232ccGMLS2Head.php Today I noticed a few LS3 complete conversions for sale. While the seller describes this as a good solution, I'm being told that these heads have a history of blowing motors when tracked. http://www.ctsvowners.com/forum/showthread.php/12179-TWO!!-COMPLETE-L92-LS3-Conversions Really all I'm looking to do is add some street able cams and have heads that will maximize their potential. I haven't even begun to look at cam options. From what I can tell there are a few thousand to pick from, and then customer grinds on top of that. The car will have occasional track/autocross duty and regular street duty. Any suggestion?
  24. Just sorta happened at random for me. I think I made a total of 5 sacrifices. Regardless, the baby or whatever the hell it was showed up soon after the sacrifice.
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