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Everything posted by 90G60

  1. This makes sense. I made a sacrifice to the black hole just before he appeared.
  2. My plan was to screenshot it when he appeared, but I barely noticed and clicked it without thinking. He was really small (smaller than expected) and just appeared in the 4th box down in the corner. If you look at one of the other handful of screenshots it would have been in the top right corner of the black hole box.
  3. Got the black hole. Now if I only had something to do with it. Damn angel. http://i450.photobucket.com/albums/qq224/mtwebb5/meth_zps4e3494a6.jpg
  4. 200 trillion here. I'm maxed at the moment, until I get the 2nd page of upgrades. The autoclicker kind of defeated the purpose of the game. I'm almost done, and I haven't gotten the achievement for playing for 24hours yet. Suppose I shouldn't have cheated.
  5. That's what I'm working towards now. Really have no idea if it will reappear though. Kind of defeats the purpose if it only shows up once.
  6. I would assume that it will reappear. Can't say for sure, as I haven't seen it yet.
  7. Did you read the FAQ? Check out the section on Joe Bob Angel if you haven't already. Unfortunately, I read this after I had gotten the achievement. Still haven't seen him...
  8. This morning my meth was at 0. Then with all trillions of $$ I had I built "An Actual Star". Started producing faster than I was before I maxed out my dealers. Now I just need to get the page 2 of upgrades. http://i450.photobucket.com/albums/qq224/mtwebb5/meth_zpsb9da5fec.jpg
  9. Thanks for the freeware. Set it to double click on Master Dealer every millisecond a few hours ago. Now I'm rich!
  10. My birthday also falls in September. I was started in kindergarten when I was 4. When growing up it always sucked being one of the youngest in my class. Especially senior year when all the cool kids could buy black n' milds. Now that I'm older I wouldn't have it any other way. Especially now that my 10 year reunion is coming around. I can laugh at all of those old people. In all seriousness though. If you feel that she is already smart for her age, why not make her smarter! They learn more earlier, I would imagine that earlier exposure to actual curriculum could only be beneficial. Not to mention you will save money on child care. Keep in mind that I have done ZERO research on the subject.
  11. Need to buy some winter tires for a few vehicles. Planning to buy a decent roadbike in the spring, so this can go! I've had it since April of 2010. It's a 21" hybrid. Tires are good. It does have some scratches from being used throughout the years. I bought it for light trail usage, but mostly road. It's done phase 2 @ Alum a handful of times, but I would recommend some meatier tires if you plan to trail ride. This bike isn't really designed for hardcore trail usage though. I'm no expert so please ignore my ignorance. - Has aftermarket Specialized gauge thingy. Constantly there to tell you whether you are terrible or great. Measures speed, distance, calories burned, time, and other random stuff. - Tires will come with free air! - Stored in temperature controlled basement; never seen snow. - Rear rim replaced with aftermarket, cause I bent the OEM after hitting a few sweet jumps and stair gaps. - I had the freewheel (I think that's what it's called) replaced with one with less teeth so that I could go stupid fast. Does require you to peddle harder. - Also replaced the OEM plastic pedals with metal. Helps keep you planted, as well as gives you sweet shin gashes so that you can feel like a hardcore rider. - Pump mounted on side of seat post. - Has little pouch for universal tool, and spare tube. - Water bottle holder, cause heat strokes are bad. - Historically I would ride 3-4 days a week in the summer. I generally rode a set path that was about 26 miles round trip. - One owner, still have factory manual. Specs... http://www.bikepedia.com/quickbike/BikeSpecs.aspx?year=2010&brand=Specialized&model=Crosstrail#.UmVS_BAqjgs I found a few of these around the web for sale around $350-$375. I'd be happy to get $320. Cycling experts feel free to chime in if I am way off base. Willing to trade for LSX parts, depending on what you've got. http://i450.photobucket.com/albums/qq224/mtwebb5/Bike/null_zpse275d5a1.jpg http://i450.photobucket.com/albums/qq224/mtwebb5/Bike/null_zps617d18f1.jpg http://i450.photobucket.com/albums/qq224/mtwebb5/Bike/null_zpsc74c75d9.jpg http://i450.photobucket.com/albums/qq224/mtwebb5/Bike/null_zps7e94804d.jpg
  12. Yea, we hear that quite a bit from our regulars. Feel free to reach out if you need anything and can't get ahold of Terrell. The chances of us both being off on the same day are incredibly slim.
  13. I send many people Terrell's way as well, when I can't help. I would venture to guess you have a few cards with my name on it. :lolguy:
  14. No Elitebooks at the moment. I'll double check on something with a serial connection, nothing comes to mind though.
  15. Thanks guys^^^ In that range, and if she would prefer Windows 7 (as most of the older crowd tend to prefer). I would go for something like this... http://www.microcenter.com/product/411420/Latitude_E6410_Windows_7_Professional_141_Laptop_Computer_Refurbished_-_Black Keep in mind the HDD is small, and it's running a 32 bit OS. Bang for the buck it's not bad. Feel free to shoot me a PM if you need some help. Just in-case your worried, I'm not on commission.
  16. I'm going to this one as well. Awesome track as far as autocross is concerned. http://www.buckeyemiataclub.com/autoX/AutocrossDriverForm.html You can register on their site (which I recommend). The form is pretty basic. You pay at the event, the online registration will claim your spot for the day if the walk-in spots fill up. It will also help the line move quickly the day of...
  17. Your inbox is full...
  18. 3rd in line for winters. I'll pay too!
  19. I'm between UA and Worthington. You are correct about the sizes. I'll PM you my number.
  20. 90G60

    1995 BMW M3

    Great price for a great car. Have driven it, and was planning to buy it myself before plans changed. GLWS Chris!
  21. Thanks Aaron! Not sure how I left that out.
  22. Have been trying to sell these since the Corrado was sold off over a month ago. Show up with $600 and they are yours! Really need them out of my basement. Staggered 16x8 and 16x9 (FWD :masturboy:) DUB Classico's with 215/45/16 Kuhmo XS tires. Both have seen less than 1000 miles. 5x100 ET is 25 front and 15 rear. The rears were rubbing initially and you can see where it wore on the tire. One of the rears also has a few dings from when they were being taken off in a hurry. Tires were $800 alone with warranties from Discount Tire. I have 2-15mm and 2-5mm spacers with extended lugs, and 4 locks with key if you want them. These wheels required a hub centric ring for my application. I have 4, but would recommend buying new. Let me know if you need more pictures. http://i450.photobucket.com/albums/qq224/mtwebb5/null_zps25be5fd6.jpg http://i450.photobucket.com/albums/qq224/mtwebb5/null_zpsa050941e.jpg http://i450.photobucket.com/albums/qq224/mtwebb5/null_zpseefb65ac.jpg http://i450.photobucket.com/albums/qq224/mtwebb5/Corrado/A635C42C-CDE6-4BBF-BB1C-FFFD02F320FE-18162-000013426425B9C9_zpsd1974242.jpg
  23. Glad they are doing something about this side of 270/23. Very sad to see that they will be taking away the clover from 270w to 315s.
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