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Everything posted by 90G60

  1. $15 and nothing planned for tomorrow. I'll likely try to make this event.
  2. Yea after a quick google search I found a 10" front. That's not going to work...
  3. Appreciate the advice. A week after I bought the car there was a set of accessory wheels FS in Dayton. I emailed the guy, and they were gone within a few hours. Didn't realize the Viper wheels fit. That gives me something else to keep an eye out for.
  4. There is a stock chrome set in GA for $500. The seller is asking a ridiculous amount to ship. There is another set for $800 at the Cleveland Pick and Part. If it comes down to spending 800-900, I'll buy the Rota's and run them for a little while. I plan on getting CCW's for next summer. I was hoping that someone had a set of stock or accessory wheels collecting dust locally.
  5. I realize this is a long shot, but I'm looking for a complete set of wheels for the winter. There are only a few options available in this pattern. Would prefer to buy a used set locally over buying a new set and paying $300 in shipping costs. Need to be at least 18" and 8 wide, 42 ET preferred (CTS-V fitment).
  6. Looks like a great venue! I'll have to keep an eye out for the next event there.
  7. I'm registered in the V. Unlikely I'll be competitive since I'm still getting used to driving the car.
  8. I'll take a look tomorrow. If I have a copy I should be able to send it to you as an ISO.
  9. Yea, not sure I can compare the two. This is definitely the quickest stock car I have owned. It also has the most potential being an LS car. I wouldn't go back, but the Corrado still handled 10x better. Suppose I still have the Legacy if I want to go fast in the turns.
  10. Not sure how much power I will strive for, but that 450 whp mark sounds nice. Casey: just ordered the Revshift trans bushing. I was debating buying their diff bushing as well. Is there a reason you choose the Creative Steel over the Revshift? I'll plan to take care of the motor mounts in the very near future.
  11. I would have liked black or a redline. At the price point, I didn't have a say in the matter.
  12. Believe it is only posted on Ohiobimmers. You have to be a member in order to see the classifieds.
  13. I've been doing some research. It would appear that the revised diff still had the same issues when you get up to about 450whp. The forum gods of LS1tech claim that if you buy the newest revision with the reinforced axles I should be in fairly good shape. I'm only just starting to read up on these cars. So any input is appreciated.
  14. 16 flat, plus that damn Ohio document fee of $250.
  15. Doesn't feel like it either :fa: Thanks! I agree. The potential maintenance costs involved in owning an E46 are a little higher than I would like. I still plan on owning one in the future. Do you have any openings for a full detail this week?
  16. New thread (with pics)! http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/showthread.php?p=1715278#post1715278
  17. Got a lot of help from my previous thread. Thanks to everyone who provided input. http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/showthread.php?t=113526 Despite Jones threatening me with physical harm; I picked up an 07 CTS-V 6 speed at a pretty amazing price near Cleveland. They had it listed on a few of the major used car sites incorrectly. Which (IMO) allowed me to get it at an even better price, since there didn't seem to be much traffic for the car. The car has a few things that need cleaned up. The PO plasti-dipped the wheels, grille, and added a black vinyl to the roof. All of which is starting to peel/flake. The roof vinyl seems to be in tact, but I will likely remove it anyways. The 95k miles on it haven't appeared to have take too negative of a toll on the car. Please excuse the dirty car and cell phone pics. http://i450.photobucket.com/albums/qq224/mtwebb5/CTS-V/null_zpscccac453.jpg http://i450.photobucket.com/albums/qq224/mtwebb5/CTS-V/null_zpsebfa3916.jpg http://i450.photobucket.com/albums/qq224/mtwebb5/CTS-V/null_zps95c32584.jpg http://i450.photobucket.com/albums/qq224/mtwebb5/CTS-V/null_zps96bafef7.jpg http://i450.photobucket.com/albums/qq224/mtwebb5/CTS-V/null_zpsb8c527c4.jpg http://i450.photobucket.com/albums/qq224/mtwebb5/CTS-V/null_zps99d7473d.jpg Have a Revshift trans mount, UUC short shifter, and skip shift delete on the way. Car came with a few Magnaflow mufflers, and a K&N CAI. Will hopefully have it professionally detailed by the end of the week. Going to start looking into a cheap replacement rear end and 1-piece driveshaft as a precaution. Also looking into a Corsa exhaust, and a 90mm Fast manifold.
  18. It was more than 14, but not much more considering I couldn't find another 07 with under 100k for anywhere near what I paid. Was going to use the photo's from the dealers site, but they pulled them before I made it back to Columbus with the car. I'll snap a few tomorrow. Need to setup a detailing session with Andy before any close ups though.
  19. Yup. Although I wasn't really seeking one out. I bought an 07 CTS-V yesterday. It has a few things that need attention (peeling plasti-dipped wheels and grille), but so far it's a great car. I managed to get it at a pretty ridiculous price. Actually came in a few k under my budget. Pictures will follow. Thanks for all the help!
  20. I think the point they are trying to make, is that if you don't have $400 to spend on new tires. You probably shouldn't be considering an expensive trip to Disney World. I could be reading to far into it though... It's one thing to just be a cheap ass whom likes to be frugal everywhere possible (I'm a cheap ass). It's completely different if you can't afford something that most people would consider a necessity. Just my .02
  21. From what I've read the 3.6 "track" model has all the good options (leather, keyless, etc..), but the 2.0t has a much better potential mod wise. According to their board members 350 WHP on a stock block is still safe assuming it's done correctly.
  22. To be honest I've never really read into these cars. Are the V6's the goto? Looks like they have significantly more power. Do the turbo models handle more boost well? http://www.cars.com/go/search/detail.jsp?tracktype=usedcc&csDlId=&csDgId=&listingId=117799591&listingRecNum=13&criteria=sf1Dir%3DDESC%26mkId%3D20064%26stkTyp%3DU%26mdId%3D30263%26rd%3D150%26crSrtFlds%3DstkTypId-feedSegId-mkId-mdId-transTypeId%26zc%3D43235%26rn%3D0%26PMmt%3D1-1-0%26stkTypId%3D28881%26sf2Dir%3DASC%26sf1Nm%3Dprice%26sf2Nm%3Dmiles%26isDealerGrouping%3Dfalse%26transTypeId%3D28112%26rpp%3D50%26feedSegId%3D28705&aff=national&listType=1
  23. Logic? Where is your sense of adventure! I've been sitting on a stockpile of parts that I'm currently unloading. If a few things sell I won't have to finance more, just put more down. If I can't make it work, I won't be completely heart broken. I still have the Legacy. We are probably going to buy (cash) a small truck or Jeep for winter. We want a coupe with a backseat that way our son can still come out for leisure cruises. I'm trying to remain somewhat grounded by realizing that we don't have the cash to finance 3 newer cars with one of them only being a 2-seater. I like the concept of having a car I can drive to the the track, run it, and drive it home.
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