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Everything posted by neonkiller

  1. My dude gots a Fully buily 1,8t making over 400whp by 4k:cool:
  2. So hold on your not gonna race it yet it will be at NTR?.. Whats the point?
  3. Thanks for the sweet h:bangbang: ook up
  4. Oh no u didnt!!! STANGBANG! Didnt mike take that girk for a ride in the Cobra?.. last year?
  5. this is he best time to buy my oil for my car, 10% off royal purple=Awsome!
  6. I was in the passenger seat for verification... :bangbang:
  7. Isnt this the white Supras that would not race me and wanted to thro down 5k? Last year in lone star parking lot.?/....
  8. Word +1 My spec clutch didnt fuck up, it was the flywheel bolts that backed out and runbbed up against the clutch causing it to shave off metal and scar the clutch surface:( The clutch lasted thru 3 transmissions, Id say spec works for me. And the slave cylinder busted, So big ups to Billy AJ Mikey Marty dirty cory and all who helped I couldnt of done it with out ya!!!!!!!
  9. Thanks guys I just got home frome doing my first clutch install on my VW wow what a good time , Only took a full day if you delete the time I waited fopr shipping.... I'm so stoked and IPS called me at 930 to tell me it was in:bangbang: My birfday was awsome!!!!!! Thanks again guys!
  10. Once that clutch goes your gonna kick yourself in the ass. Maint on that will be high and costly. If you dont want it after u buy it I'll take it
  11. Song goes well with the footage however if I can give some pointers. Instead of freezing a frame and pannig out use real footage of it. The movemenat of the camera following the car the seing a picture and digitally panning out of it to see the whole car made it weird it didnt fit together however its a very good start its a sweet vid. Was the object to create a commercial?..
  12. I wish but its columbus vs cleveland and I have my hood to represent.
  13. I aint skeeerd, Thanks for the birthday wishes. BTW its 951AM and IPS called to tell me my clutch is there and I'm now flying out thew door and burning rubber to get it. Thanks for the birfday present IPS:cool: Most single and low mass flywheels do chatter, But end result is worth the noise dont ya think?..
  14. Thanks but I think this will have to be down by myself I'm poppin my cherry on pull;in and reinstalling the trans myself. Hows your car comin?... BTW Fuck the Guy who takes orders at SPEC
  15. www.vwvortex.com Search button and you can find all sorts of threads on why it wont work. There has been no succesful attemps at making a two step wotrk in conjunction with a stock or even modified ECU. If you can break the code and figure it out you would be one rich bastard:cool:
  16. Here is a lil story short and sweet... I call IPS and talk to Brandon And We order me up a Clutch, stg4 to be exact From Spec Directly. I told him I was gettin my car ready for this weekend to do battle with cleveland. Today rolls around and I figure If my pressure plate or flywheel is fucked I;'ll have one more day to get stuff ordered. I start drivin to IPS take a hlf day off work and I call to make sure its there. Well Guess what.... Its not:( Spec fucked up and did not send the clutch next day.....:gtfo: So now I took a half day off today to put my new clutch in and I dont have one to do it. Tommorow is my BIRTHDAY and I'll be working on my car trying to get it done befor SAT. Funny part is I bet the clutch doesnt show up till 4-5 on friday wich means I will not be doing my birthday dinner / go Kart riding with my friends this year. I hope to GOD my pressure plate or flywheel is not fucked. IPS made it right and refunded me my shipping charges, while I'm takin it in the ass from SPEC. You cannot possibly buy time or reinburse someone for fucking up there birthday plans but to whom this may concern the fucktards at SPEC may just do that the next time you order a part. So please beware!!! Thanks for the Hook up IPS, Brandon did all in his power to get me the part but you can only do so much when someone else your not in control of fucks up. "Not IPS or brandons fault" Fuck SPEC:bs: UPADTE; The reason the clutch is fucked up >>> TWO flywheel bolts backed out and was rubbing up against the clutch itself tearing and ripping metal off of the inside of the clutch and pinching the springs.... But bolts are back in and not comin out..
  17. Hopefully the the VW is ready I'll glady hand out some ass ickin.
  18. Actually you would goto Brazil;)
  19. So he is selling one alone and the other together?.. More info and pics I'm lookin for a ski/trailor.
  20. Damn man that sucks hope you find one soon. EVO five looks better in my opinion, shit it out ran the evo q1200mr that you can get in europe i thought on top gear
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