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Everything posted by neonkiller

  1. This should def be good to break some of the racing for a bit on the 20th, I cant bench my own weight... I dont think...
  2. Thanks HUA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I think the vw is liftin the left front just cant see it............ I got billy by a nose on that one...
  3. So is she gonna be ready you think?... Got any other VW's comin?..
  4. Well I'll be up with the guys from RC, You were at CR's track rental?..... You ahd to of seen the VW on the side line. broke an axle....
  5. Jesus christ fuckin finally! So we dont have to travel to kick there ass or am I totally thinking about another car other than the blue devil you own?...
  6. 17 days left , Ask yourself not what your car can do for you but what you can do for your car lol. Keepin it alive.
  7. Yes and they are free from NAPA you get a Mirror to break em up on, ha ha
  8. My passenger side axel let go in the burnoutbox, Thank god for the warranty at NAPA....... Reason it broke is cause I gots madfuckinpower!!!!!!! "actually it broke cause I started to hop in the burnoutbox", Thanks to Sam and andrew "viper" we towed it back to Lasota.
  9. It was 120 or bust and that track def took my axel lol Thanks for a sweet time and my new best trap number!
  10. Ok first off My goal was a 120 trap. I only hit 13.9 @ 119 on my fourth pass.... Came back around didnt hit the burnout box in the wet section, car hoped and broke the passenger side axle..... I was only at 26-spiking at 27LBS car never got into kill mode. But the pass I was lining up twith thorne I had that fucker at 30psi.... However I broke an axle so we will never know..
  11. neonkiller

    9.86 @ 143

    I saw it with my own eyes.................... Then boobies...
  12. Only from a Dig, If everyone wants we can Roll race all the way home;)
  13. Yes that will bypass mansfield oops i forgot both solid ways, Do not speed on 13 you will get caught.
  14. I cant wait the VW is hittin 120........... My moms gonna come watch...Jesus.. and I havnt drove my car all week ahhhhhhhh !!!!!!!!!!!! Its thurs and I'm goin into work early just to pass time by.. see you all there.
  15. http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-6788490346740441634&q=trap+speed&total=322&start=30&num=10&so=0&type=search&plindex=8 WTF!
  16. I will be at norwalk. I will be the slowest outta the bunch:mad: However the plan is to trap higher than 115:burn: I trapped 115 at Trails during the import day, So I figure I can pick up another 5MPH at norwalk with cooler weather and a stickier track:D 120mph is my top end goal............ "Top end is a beautiful thing" "Jesus"
  17. 45 or 40 is fine for me. I figure said cobra should make anywhere from 400-480whp across the board. From what I hear.
  18. Friday Sept 21st. Who's goin out to play? K20a on spray, Pro charged Cobra = Is it greater than a 1.8t? We'll find out. Day http://image.weather.com/web/common/wxicons/52/32.gif?12122006 SunnyHigh 87°F Precip 10% Night http://image.weather.com/web/common/wxicons/52/33.gif?12122006 Turbo Weather 61°F Precip 0% This would be Turbo weather........
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