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Everything posted by neonkiller

  1. This thread delivers, I dunno about the "DAD comment" I will hopefully venture into the "high roller" catergory within a few years and only show up to do work in my high end vehicle once a month. Rest of the time Ill make random posts of epicness that happens with PartyRocKrew and Bunny Mansion. Either way andrew posting this thread would still txt or call me this summer so we can bring bitches on his parents boat only to have them come out with us that night to one of Sams tables downtown so they can drop low pull there guard down and we can rob those bitches blind on camera for everyone to see or watch. Why not be the guy in the video or taping rather than looking at it going "Damn I want that to be me" Summer 2011 will be epic just like every other summer Ive had in my life, each one has been better than the last and I dont plan on stopping till I fuck, bang, get, shake and dwindle through bitches like drano' until I find the right one. If you dont like my way I could care less, fuck it. Cue 8mile song.
  2. " I ride no tint so they know its me" Yo Gotti
  3. http://www.thomasnet.com/southern-ohio/alcohol-methanol-methyl-or-wood-1104405-1.html
  4. http://30.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lglw3wRkSq1qe7pf4o1_400.gif
  5. http://28.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_ldw83fD7tM1qcfcxyo1_400.jpg
  6. http://30.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lfplbmzK4c1qa9vqgo1_500.gif
  7. Go buy an MS3 cam before you slam that thing in the car.
  8. http://t0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSstphUwPcQDbvbSk3tnQJeI3Ur1eioR0YqLYkd_83wAD-PDqxK This thread is about to be a gun fight!
  9. Yeah just type Vice in the search and it will come up
  10. I personally think that European style of life is awesome. One day I hope to visit Germany, Spain, England and my favorite place Poland. I found a video on Poland and what its like for its current young people of the nation and it seems a little narrow on what the place is about but I figure its prolly even better than what is in the video. If you have netflix and like documentary vids this one is pretty good and so are all the others. The vice guide to everything videos are a mix of Bam Margera fun with real life facts mixed in. Poland video on Net flix is under = Vice guide to Travel Episode 5 And here is the website, http://www.viceland.com/
  11. That girl is what I need for a wife
  12. Ima call a 187 on this. Jesus man you just got another point on your man card. Congrats
  13. Im suprised only two haters in the whole thread.. Either way dude is legit!
  14. http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4109/5042188450_7029ff7c98_z.jpg
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