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Everything posted by neonkiller

  1. How about we save our money and clean up our neighborhoods and make sure there is less homeless and better education twards not living off the system for the end of our generation.... Spending money to create jobs........... Might as well just give it away.
  2. Throw a magic stick cam in it and cut out the resonators and drop panties like its the early 70's
  3. This Video documentary is about low budget racing. Follows the men that have low income but the passion to race. its 1hour and 3mins long. I def liked the video def worth the time spent watching it. Guys def have soul and it def points out allot of things even the highend guys feel and react to while racing and putting lots of time into something. Cliffs: Rednecks racing import 4 bangers a documentary of there race season they had back in 2002.
  4. Already done we have them at DTC.
  5. you said get a kick out of it, i was wondering what the kick is
  6. Stimmel is gonna be out allot more this year aww yeah. please tell me you kept the Ford
  7. I dont get it whats so crazy?
  8. When I get mine we should buy from Texas, Zero rust and cheaper. Just high milage and prolly a fith wheel on it.
  9. Read the sticky info, or this shot is gonna get hot quick
  10. Was it 2001.5 they started writing keys to ECU's I could be wrong. Sounds like a nightmare for a motor to go in. I hate to say it but fuckin a throw an ls1 in it lol
  11. neonkiller


    shit,i want, impulse is a bitch
  12. neonkiller


    fuck I want this!!!!!Take 15?
  13. a wire diagram will not work, You would have to take the whole steering colum just so you could keep the original set of keys to that motor so the ECU will work and start the car.. This is not some carb'd motor. Stop now before you make a decision that will run your wallet dry not even half way through the swap.
  14. I feel this thread will have epic tales. Que the song "Under my thumb"
  15. Not gonna lie, If we both come to win I think this will be pretty good.
  16. Did that back in the day with a certain member on here. Not really the best out come you got to put it all on the line one time. Make or break.
  17. Are you sure were not related?
  18. I know a couple Hard Candy girls could have them come out. Whats not to like about hot chicks and fast bikes.
  19. Im gonna have to say I out did myself on this thread.
  20. Then we can jump in my car and do it again.
  21. You gonna a man up or bitch out? Test and tune straight out off the trailer first Wed of June if rain Friday. Eric, it will hook. But when making the power at low rpms it will not unless I stay outta throttle.
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