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Everything posted by neonkiller

  1. +1 Id rather the creeper hang out at one spot then raping girls getting out of class.. Retards. I bet that bitch is ugly and was cheated on by her husband with a stripper. People goto great lengths to make sure others dont have free will.
  2. I dont get it you want a 2jz or a lsx and are going to hinson to get it done?... THey told you high end parts? WTF are you kidding how about proven parts anything can be high end doesnt mean its gonna last long. Better ask them about a warranty see what they say then.
  3. All these fucks sitting on their asses collecting from the Govt.. Fucking bullshit, Hopefully thats never me Ive never collected unemployment. Id rather stay on the grind. Hope one day the govt isnt so fuct. Every president has done wrong. It all keeps adding up and one day were gonna be so far in debt we will fall.
  4. All these fucks sitting on their asses collecting from the Govt.. Fucking bullshit, Hopefully thats never me Ive never collected unemployment. Id rather stay on the grind.
  5. Im a 12.50 car come walk this. ooops i have no transmission, guess your lucky and win
  6. Im out of work after 630 You got my number, I can come get it tommrow before I hit the gym.
  7. You could buy a used C5 for the money your about to spend. panty dropper.
  8. Fail. Erik I went to the GYM today Linn pressed his power button to his XBox Just sayin. BTW Linn you my boy
  9. Everyone is missing two things in this thread, 1st there are mentions of the word CHEAP waaaay to many times. Secondly no one is mentioning MLS head-gaskets...
  10. Entourage - is falling off in my opinion, Hung - Still epic But I think the Boardwalk Empire will be better than Entourage. They snuck that Al Capone in there nicely in the first episode. My Question whats you Top five Shows on DVR?.
  11. On a date: Girl: Whats that? You: My situation wanna see? Girl: yeah! You: Take your clothes off Girl" Why? You: That will be a situation lol On a serious note Veritas Thanks for making backup copies. Well I think my gain will happen better put in a order on BodyBuilding.com tonight for some Optimum Nutrition Protein, 100% whey and some Casien Should help me gain some muscle. Also got some Multi vitamin packs. I should be well on my way but I'm getting pumped checking out these vids of people completely ripped after the p90 workout.. It seems if you keep with it and a somewhat strict diet you cant fail. 2nd week of January I will be starting p90.
  12. Listen not only did you kill the cancer we killed the gym right before spring break of 2010, Best workout partner ever, Like I said before. If you get shot or blown up Ill find that fuck and do him the same way. Stay frosty.
  13. Who is the person that is on here that does the health and fitness counseling or a trainer? I remeber Ramsey using him with good results.
  14. How many times will i have to do this. MooreSpeed Performance 6145633878 dude is legit!
  15. Al fucking capone he is my fav so far.
  16. Call neon john, or get a farm boy exhaust my roomates mega cab was like 300 bux
  17. I havnt been on CR in a while this post Makes me smile. Here is what I have been up too. ight now I have been back in the GYM religiously, 4 times a week. Right now Ive been trying to build mass. Big weight low Reps I'm taking Dark Matter, strict diet Sun-Fri and have a goal of 300 to bench by middle of march. "Bench" Last march I was at 265 max. Right now I'm down to 225. I fell out of the gym for a solid 5 months I'm back and I'm more focused. I would love to be at my target weight of 160-170 by march my question is since I'm gaining mass is it still ok to use this while I'm lifting and gaining mass? My assumption is that all my muscle will become lean and not as large as I want it. At my job Im VERY active so its twice as hard for me to gain mass already. FYI I'm sitting at 189 right now. Id love to be cut up by spring break last year I did "ok" but this year I wanna really make a change. So far its looking like I will. Veirtas, what all do you need with the p90? doesnt the 90x you need the door pull up bar or something?
  18. Dover this is an Estimate = To judge and form an opinion of the value of, from imperfect data, -- either the extrinsic (money), or intrinsic (moral), value; to fix the worth of roughly or in a general way; Thats not locking in a price anywhere. BTW Pull the rearend yourself and save some money.
  19. http://i355.photobucket.com/albums/r445/martyr65/Viewt%20in%20Japan/rimg0291-0.jpg Tell me this pic is in america. That a mother fucking EVO 5 on the left side of the pic a fucking real one OMFG!!!!!!! I will own one one day and beat the living shit out of it just like they are made for.,
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