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Everything posted by neonkiller

  1. http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash2/hs007.ash2/33689_439676115597_651455597_5831623_5481576_n.jpg $20 best ive ever spent. Idiots love it Bitches think I got loot. lol
  2. Plea`se make sure you put LT and not P rated tired on your truck and the correct load range or they will not last you very long.
  3. Awesome, but its gotta move too..
  4. http://28.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lc1tkhCCTE1qdw31do1_500.jpg Happy turkey leg day
  5. Fuck best buy. Micro center is where its at. Go in and Ask for matt Webb he will set you up right he knows more about computers than Jon pinned has banged girls in the ass.
  6. Buy a C6 and a beater subaru wrx for the winter. I will be joining the Vette crew soon.....
  7. If you come to discount tire its the same across the board, Period`. I treat everyone the same. My friends get at me all the time for service and tires. I am grateful for the place I work and always make sure I extend that to everyone I know. We will beat any ones price on tires in town hands down that goes for every DTC in town, Dont believe me try it. However we dont play when it comes to mixing speed ratings and tire sizes. we are the best due to our standards. We replace TPMS every time to save our ass and to save the cust from replacing TPMS sensors cause they dont understand why not to put chrome steel caps on them then seize or run them all winter without caps and we cant get the air out or break the core. Id rather pay a couple bucks and not worry about my air in my tires then gambling. DTC is the largest independent tire dealer in the USA and we are cause of our ability to do our job professionally and with standards that the competition cannot reach. Derrick no pun intended. I heart you. Shit Ive take my car to you.
  8. You dont replace the whole sensor just the rubber grommet and the parts inside and what hold it together.
  9. Non tps wheel?...... You mean non tpms car correct?..... And yes you do need to replace them Every time you change your tires.
  10. Same @ DT. http://www.discounttire.com/dtcs/brochure/general/tpmsRebuildKit.jsp I always try to get people to rebuild them they get corroded from salt and when that happens most you cannot service and take apart leaving you replacing the whole unit. But what do tire places know.... If I didnt trust a place %100 I would not take it there. Derrick mentioned above and I agree 30 for two is crazy assuming you only have a TPMS that needs the core, rubber grommet and nut replaced. we ussually charge people 5 dollars for that procedure however when you need to break the whole assembly down and put a new stem on the tpms plus what i just mentioned above we charge $10 People flip out on us when they see those charges and dont want it. then they come in a few months later and there shit is all fucked up and seized on and they wish they woulda replaced them...
  11. http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc4/hs1153.snc4/149508_459903130597_651455597_6147866_6323736_n.jpg
  12. It is a byf43... All numbers match like I said. Plus I just double checked.
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