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Everything posted by neonkiller

  1. Im gonna take me one hell of a date... Stripper status, Que the big tits and cleavage.
  2. Fuck here at Discoun tire we will rotate your tires for free even if you dont buy them from us.
  3. Check my sig MooreSpeed, Call and see what he says, tell him i sent ya
  4. +1 Just stay away, I am going with my mom to my sisters wedding FOR MY MOM not my sister. Just be polite like mentioned above if he wants to cause a scene let it happen and let it roll off your shoulders. True friends and family will know who you are and how you act. Stay true, Shoulda gave him the # to Enterprise.
  5. http://27.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lct640unIh1qb82q8o1_500.gif
  6. http://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=hard+in+da+paint&aq=f
  7. Id fuck em all. Our server had no G.E.D. thus fucking up our bills at the end of the night. Time waiting for food was way to long.
  8. Jesus lets haul the race car to florida.
  9. Machine work was done at M&M, Assembled by the hand of god, Rob L. They are legit.
  10. Once you DL a song it even sends it to your Android library. Pretty effing sweet cant get some of the songs I even want off ARes and this does it faster...
  11. I recently have found GTunes an Android app that has yet to fail me the week I have had it. You can download any song for free and have yet to find any that are not on there.. Anyone else use this app?
  12. http://29.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lckit321I01qd08bbo1_500.gif
  13. task killer, not advanced task killer
  14. Norwalk also has a large private school called St. Paul's
  15. PM me I have a house I am selling in norwalk, Norwalk is a` great place tight nit community around the 55-60k ballpark.
  16. Ill bust out the D-40 and get some better pics up those were on my phone. Nice Gun BTW
  17. Bump +1 I lived in norwalk oh for 18years, good place to raise a kid schools are legit, but if I had to choose huron ohio would be my choice to raise a family and have good neighbors.
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