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Everything posted by neonkiller

  1. Me and Rhett will be out in our jeeps
  2. I guess you hide out in my mirror. Im not saying Ill be more pumped than you Im saying most in this thread think any supplements dont do anything. Nathan Im gonna kill you, Ill be bangin your girl while you hold a cup of water for me in the hotel.
  3. Watch this video it is fucking awsome! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OMqpghqkeYk
  4. I guess since everyone is so but hurt in the thread we can all post before and after pics? I will.
  5. LiveFast, Jesus! Guy has god on his side or one lucky penny
  6. Kiss my ass Im not bringing any shirts except cut offs and dress shirts and my PRK shirts I'll be one shirtless mother fucker! :bangbang:
  7. Anthony has totally changed, but no homo Ive seen him with his shirt off after and before and Id have to say big ups to him for the change he has made. You see his p90x results? Spring break Anthony Spring Break.
  8. Please tell me you can send me that song somehow thats great :bangbang:
  9. Ill trade you for the panther boat I gots
  10. They are soooooo goooooooooooooooooooooooood!+
  11. We will call her BECKY...... Im gonna bring my Torq Lab and mix songs at the condo drunk as hell, Were taking my sub technic speakers and receiver...... Thought about getting all the stuff of craigslist for cheap before we leave and just leave it down stairs for parties. The Maui Waui sounds like it hurts both parties.. http://funtimeshad.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/10/sand-sex.jpg
  12. Looks like Farkas is going on the trip too...... Make a living will before heading to Jeff's house.
  13. Im not trying to go out to much till then, Tryin to save all my monies however the rest of the crew will be prowling the streets of C Bus.
  14. I hear the TIKI bar is the shit! I'll be happy if we are alive after the first 48hrs no joke. I feel as the older person in the group I should make an example and hit on as much pussy and drink as much as possible and all will follow suit. But if you rolled out with us you would know that thats what everyone does already. So far every time we talk about the trip someboby says they are scared. So that only tells me that if you are scared the trip will only be that more bad ass cause that person will act out and make sure to cover there being "scared" with more badass. Today marks the 1 Month and 18 days left!!!!!!!!!!!!:bangbang:
  15. Dually noted sir, Bunny ranch will be represented to the fullest at late night hours. We will have camera equip, Night vision and tons of willing participants everywhere:cool: I see the picture thread for this clipping 50 pages when we return.
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