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Everything posted by neonkiller

  1. So it seems that allot of us of the PartyRocKrew will be attending Spring Break in Panama City this year. I intend on taking lots of pictures NWS of course and making a fool of myself. This is our hotel I hear its the best and where all the action goes down. http://photos-d.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc1/hs036.snc1/4331_82164548994_40081633994_1905816_1532727_n.jpg Now what I was wondering Is there some sort of pass I can buy or get as a group to let us into all the major clubs bars and events so I dont gotta carry money around?. http://www.afreeman.org/wp-content/uploads/2009/09/Spring-break-A-girl-drink-006.jpg http://photos-d.ak.facebook.com/photos-ak-sf2p/v190/147/71/1117440062/n1117440062_30016123_4605.jpg I may be 26 but this will be my first Spring Break:cool: I'm Pumped. So anything I should look for and do while I'm there besides bitches?.
  2. How about a race, Loser packs up his tears and leaves for a year. I mean this is a racing website.
  3. Call Majestic Turbos, Best there is. I'm pretty sure when I had mine balanced and checked they were in Texas.
  4. Yeah!!!!!!! Where the Skis? you set them outside WTF! Mother fucker has more toys than we can ride or use in one season. I think the Wakeboat should be the orange color in the truck for baller purposes.
  5. Howard there seems to be a rat in here. BTW are we ever gonna sing those Lucero songs and go snowboarding or what? BTW Supra vs.VW rematch this summer. Fill your bottle. BTW i HEART YOU. BTW BTW BTW
  6. The Anabolic workout I was mentioning are short burst of workouts then a calming period. Here is an example. Run for a block full sprint, Then walk for a block then do it over again. Start small and work your way up. I incorporate that to almost everything I do at the gym. I can get on the elliptical or tread mill and full out run for 1 min then do sit ups or push ups 10 each. Ive almost reached 100 push ups/sit ups plus the mins in between all of it. I do this when I enter and leave the gym. I started out only being able to to do a quarter of that when I first started it with my regular routine in the gym. I started small and worked my way up and the results are awesome. However allot of what you want to accomplish will be in your diet. Like Dover said earlier, I'm wondering with what were doing how good the results will be. I personally dont wanna cut out drinking but I see it helping allot If I do. Just food for thought, Anebolic workouts have done me good but its different for everyone else. But a Question I';m wondering is are you doing this to loose weight or build muscle and cut weight?
  7. neonkiller

    Are you.....

    They need spell check, Who cares, The more haters you got the better off you are.
  8. Or I tell you you are fat an asshole and we jazz about being jersey shore one offs I am "The Operation" Dover is "DJ Roid Rage" Step one get Jersey Shore name here http://www.unlikelywords.com/2009/12/08/jersey-shore-nickname-generator/ Step two Dont be a pussy and change for yourself, Personally I can take in account for myself I only look the way I do cause of myself. I did this I can fix this attitude needs to be in place 24/7 or nothing is going to change. Step 3 incorporate working out and living healthy into everything and everyday activities. If you have a job and start working out educate yourself on what you need to eat and how much, Knowledge is power read some books at the library about nutrition and working out. After BMX Sam gave me a book on ways to lift and get big and I stil am benifitting from it durring the process me and dover are going through. Step 4 Music is you friend at the gym, use it to motivate yourself and keep you going. Step 5 If nothing works I told you they have Pilates class's at Lifestyle Gyms in the area. But in all honesty knowledge is power and reading will help you weed out the facts from fiction. I personally love doing ANEBOLIC work outs between lifting sessions. I also goto Planet Fitness I get their really late at night or really early in the AM so the crowd is never really that bad. Should be even less people when the New year resolutionists leave the place cause they cant hack it.
  9. I havnt been on RC in a min. What was this thread about?
  10. Lots of racing no where near Columgay. I* plan on working out getting my tan on and wakeboarding allot. Oh yeah and banging chicks. I still wanna get some altezzas and a fart can and hustle retards
  12. neonkiller


    +1 And I will have to say my short run with the bunny ranch crew this bitch was DTF, Keep this girl on the back burner and make you pick you up from downtown when you fail to get a girl one night.
  13. Hopefully the guy gets what he deserves those punk mother fuckers thrown in jail after they get outta surgery.
  14. Well first you fail, By the time you made this post you could have ordered them off the net at a cheaper price than prolly anywhere in town. Your leaving out what kind and for what application. High or low impedance? Last but not least I win. Be specific in a request and use the search button. More than likely 80% of the sponsors in the top right of your browser could get them for you.
  15. Might as well buy a used one if your not gonna keep it long. http://www.vwvortex.com for a maf classifieds
  16. That night I didnt know whether to run, hide, cry or just plain shot myself so many feelings, We were all smoking cigs cause we were nervous . Erik running down the alley were in the garage and we were trying to hide nitrous bottles. Best part after it all went down we kept racing..... Murnane, discuss this. My car is faster than your car.
  17. Jesus christ now that is a memory I will NEVER forget... lol Im gonna put her up for trade in a week or so. ........
  18. So far its taken the last 5 people in this thread to finally catch up to my car 4 yrs and running. I would do a compression check but Im too skeerd. Your lucky If the VW will still be around this summer. I wanna trade it for something else.
  19. Gearing, tire, driver mod, everything accounts. Just go fast as you can. There is only 1 winner in a drag race.
  20. It has no bags and no perches i think , No bags for sure though.
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