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Posts posted by TurboGoKart

  1. I've got a lot of those parts. What all do you need?


    I also have the J30 rear end, axles, LCA's, 5 lug hubs, front 5 lug hubs and all J30 calipers and brakes if you want those too. J30 rear end drops you down from the ridiculous 4.09 stock gear to a less-ridiculous 3.92 gear.

  2. On 315 south before bethel a Worthington cop is over to the right just past a guardrail. I'm in the middle lane and speed around a swerving


    I stopped reading there.




    Two things I've learned in my 'experience.'

    1. Not always, but 98% of the time a respectful apologetic attitude will get you off with a warning at your door.

    2. Don't admit to having done what you just got a ticket for. Then, see #1.

  3. that's pretty much the definition of a kata


    Not necessarily true. REAL katas are a representation of what you would actually do or what moves your body would actually go thru in the true performance of your discipline. Of course, the 'definition' of a kata kinda varies thru all the eleventy billion disciplines too though.

  4. I've had my PADI certification for about 11 years now. Haven't been diving in a while but it doesn't expire. I am just short of my Rescue Diver cert, I highly suggest pursuing as many certs as you can after you get your Open Water status.


    The places I got certified are A) closed or B) in the BVI so I've got nothing as far as recommendations.


    EDIT: When you get certified and take vacations, look for places that have lots of wreck dives. IMO the most fun kind of diving, especially if you do it at night.


    Good advice! Another good piece I've heard of so far is to talk to the certification place about going on excursions. Normally they've been doing it for a long time and have great places already set up that you can visit and dive from, and they would have answers to a lot of questions about the 'vacationing' part since they've been to said places so many times.

  5. Just got back from a week in the Dominican (Punta Cana). Did a few dives with the wife and I'm REALLY itching to get certified now. Does anyone have anything good/bad to say about the few places in Columbus that certify (lol other than the downer of having to certify in Ohio)? Are any of the certifications better than another (PADI, SSI, etc)? Looking to achieve Open Water certified status initially. Thanks!
  6. Played outside for a loooong time tonight. Highways were terrible!! Well, for normal vehicles anyways. 4WD and you're fine, mostly. Now the south end, that's another thing all together. At 2-3am, it was a sheet of ice. Two semis ran into each other on an on ramp, another one went in a large large ditch, box van spun out and stuck, multiple other vehicles stuck. Mostly from downtown and south it was a sheet of ice. Oh and snow. Yeah that too.
  7. Trigger is nice like Geissele

    Trigger costs twice as much as Geissele

    Trigger is marketed as a solution for FA

    Trigger is questioned on accuracy given ROF

    Taccon will not comment on thread

    Shills try and defend trigger

    People LOL at price of trigger

    Company Sells a lot of triggers

    a Sizeable amount of people cancel orders

    First shipping date is missed

    Second Shipping Date is missed

    50/50 credit cards are charged during pre-order in beginning of December

    Triggers still haven't shipped



    My guess is that all they had was a handful of prototypes. Then they used the pre-order money to MFG them. And are laying low until they come back from MFG.


    They seem to be the opposite of a company like Noveske. When I had a problem with my noveske rail they OVERCOMMUNICATED with me and wanted to make sure I was satisfied.


    Lol that's exactly what Red Jacket Firearms did with my ZK-22 stock. Although, I knew it was a preorder when I ordered mine, however, it took 10 months from time of purchase till the time I got the stock. Many people ordered theirs and still had to wait an ungodly amount of time. I'm just glad I finally ended up getting it! Crooks...

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