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Everything posted by Tulo

  1. Tulo

    Type R boneyard

    It would definately suck to live in Japan solely for this reason... http://www.jspek.com/forums/showthread.php?s=9d8e50ca41b511702d322e53de3612c9&threadid=13491
  2. Tulo

    Pimp Watch

    I don't understand how anyone could justify spending that much money on a fucking watch...
  3. On my computer sometimes it works, but sometimes out of the blue I get the "this page cannot be displayed" thing whenever I try to go to a site. AIM and weatherbug still work so my connection is good. I'm on a network with my sister and parents and they do not have this problem. BTW, I tried using mozilla as well as IE and the same thing happens with both. Any ideas? Thanks. -JP
  4. http://www.ananova.com/news/story/sm_1261997.html?menu=
  5. Read the bottom of EVERY PAGE.
  6. "Top ten signs you're not the most popular guy in high school" If you haven't seen this movie yet, go see it. Then go see it again. http://images2.jokaroo.net/videos/topten.wmv
  7. I'm 19. Would my best option be to pull all of my money out of my accounts/mutual funds and put it in a safety deposit box until after they evaluate me?
  8. Well I'm getting ready to apply for student loans/grants again through FAFSA. I applied last year and it helped ALOT. My question is are they going to get into my bank accounts and see how much money I have, then give me grants according to how much money I have? Or is it based on how much I make at my job, or how much my parents make? I'm just trying to maximize the amount I can get. Any advice? Thanks. -JP
  9. Wow, you sent that fast. Thanks again.
  10. Sorry, that was me posting up there.^^^
  11. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v251/Tulo52/pancake_bunny.jpg
  12. Did you ever find out what car that tie rod goes on?
  13. Fast and reliable, just like all Honda's.
  14. lol Nice. graemlins/thumb.gif
  15. Tulo

    Locks of Love...

    Will they take back hair?
  16. www.slowmotionmotorsports.com
  17. Skyline gets slowly crushed...
  18. Looks nice. Black is a bitch to keep clean, but when it is, it looks good. graemlins/nod.gif
  19. You guys should race Anthony and his overrated auto V8. graemlins/lol.gif
  20. That would definately be an improvement. graemlins/nod.gif
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