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Everything posted by Tulo

  1. I turned the paper in yesterday. Thanks for all the replies. I prefer the honest route . Plus I didn't feel like shelling out $30.
  2. Neither of us did. But I was with her best friend freshman year.
  3. Is the link broken for everyone, or just me?
  4. If you need some, let me know. We get it by the barrel.
  5. Use 3M adhesive remover. It will eat the glue off without harming the paint at all. We use it all the time at MAG.
  6. Tulo


  7. I see that car atleast once a week in the Dublin area.
  8. Haha Cody can't drive stick. graemlins/thatfunny.gif
  9. Tulo

    short throw?

    Not same effect. Short throw shifters have different pivot points that actually change the distance of the throw when changing gears. The actual length of the shifter might not even be shorter, but because of the change in the pivot point, the throw will be shorter.
  10. Tulo

    Help, need a pic

    Thank you. And I love CR. People helping people. It's just wonderful. graemlins/thumb.gif
  11. Tulo

    Help, need a pic

    I'm looking for a picture of that crazy guy from the infomercials that wears the suit with dollar signs all over it. I know somebody knows what I'm talking about...
  12. Excellent. I'm going to go steal your internet now.
  13. Did you ever get your wireless connection to be secure?
  14. Insane. graemlins/eek2.gif
  15. Broken. Can anyone host it?
  16. Also does anyone know where I can find that article that was in the dispatch a while ago about street racing. The one with Chris Waters and his orange CRX.
  17. Tulo


    He's blazed again.
  18. It's that time of the year again... I need some help thinking of sources for my final english paper. The topic I chose is "Identity construction of automotive enthusiasts in films". What I will be doing is contrasting the identities of the characters in movies like The Fast and the Furious and Gone in 60 Seconds. Those two movies are my main primary sources, but it would help to have more. Preferably extreme identities such as "ricer douche bags" or "fat old bald guys that drive corvettes". Any suggestions? Thanks. -JP
  19. I bet he was blazed when he did that...
  20. Tulo

    Free Frosty!!

    They're so small they should be called frosty shots... Still good though.
  21. VCLRVP1?N54H1Z $750 off select Inspiron Notebook purchases of $1999 or more. Coupon expires 5/12/05 at 5:59 am CT or after 3000 uses, whichever comes first. H71N36VX36Z8DG $500 off select Inspiron Notebook purchases of $1599 or more. Coupon expires 5/12/05 at 5:59 am CT or after 3000 uses, whichever comes first. B9PKG4DSBCB$CL $400 off select Inspiron Notebook purchases of $1399 or more. Coupon expires 5/12/05 at 5:59 am CT or after 3000 uses, whichever comes first. These are good until the 12th or until they are used 3000 times. There will probably be a new set of coupons that come out the 13th or 14th if you need to wait. PM me if you have any questions.
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